For clarity, this article only references the features and functionality that are available as of the January 2020 release. Future enhancements and functionality are planned for a upcoming releases.







Candidates receive error when validating their address

Candidates may experience an issue with validating their address if it contains a pound sign/hashtag ('#')

Please have the candidate remove the character from their address and try again.

RESOLVED - ASWBCentral was updated on 8/10/2020.


System is slow to respond when looking verifying candidate eligibility

Internal Network latency

Candidates must wait for the system to move to the next page


Changes to the product

Starting May 9th 2019, all new purchases of Practice Tests will be accessed through the new ASWB Online system. Candidates who have purchased a Practice Test prior to this time will continue to access their Practice Test using the existing access method. The practice Tests themselves will NOT be changing, only the ways that the Candidate will order the practice Test online and the way they will access the newly purchased Tests.

Ordering process (Online)

  1. Accessing the order form

    1. Candidates who have never purchased an practice Test through the new system should go to

      1. The Candidate will provide their Authorization to Test Number, First Name and Last Name to verify their eligibility

    2. Candidates who have previously purchased an Test through the new system may also purchase an Test by logging into their account at or, and going to the Products area.

      1. The system will show the individual the Practice Tests that they are eligible for automatically

Accessing Content

  1. Once the Candidate has received their email, if they did not have a previous purchase with us, when they log in they will be asked to change their password.

  2. Once logged in, the user will be taken to the Individual Practice dashboard which has four (4) tabs

    1. Available - All activated Individual Practice Tests items for the Candidate

    2. Not Yet Available - All Individual Practice Tests purchases that are pending activation (if the Candidate purchased multiple copies of a Test category (e.g. 2 Masters), they are only able to activate and use one at a time.

    3. Expired - All Individual Practice Tests purchases that have previously expired (any items that are now expired)

Supporting Candidates & Troubleshooting (post-sales)

Did not receive their password

  1. Confirm that the email address we have on the ORDER is the correct email address for the Candidate, if not, contact a Specialist who can update the account email in the ASWBCentral Site Admin tool.

  2. Have the Candidate look through their Junk/Spam folders to ensure that the email was not filtered incorrectly

  3. With the new system, ASWB staff will no longer have access to the password for an account or need to change passwords as Candidates have the ability to reset their password themselves.

    1. Resetting the password is done by the user going to the page and clicking on the "I forgot my password" link, then following the directions

    2. All password reset emails are sent to the email address (also their username) associated with the Candidates order

    3. ASWBCentral password requirements are shown to the user as they are changing their password. A copy of the requirements are located here.

    4. If the system indicates that an account could not be found, have the candidate use the "Forgot Username" link on the login page, and have them enter the email address we have on file.

If a user is having issues logging in:

  1. Verify the error message they are receiving

    1. The error message "Sorry, authorization not found. Please check your entries. If this is your first time logging into this practice test, then please check the password you were given when you purchased the test." is shown when they are logging into the OLD system. Have them attempt to log in to the correct

  2. Ensure they are going to

    1. Notice that they need to go to https://

  3. Ensure that they have JavaScript enabled

    1. Have them go to If it is not enabled, they can follow the directions on that site to enable it.

    2. We do not expect ASWB staff to walk users through this process

  4. Ensure that they are using the correct username

    1. Look up the order in Products and provide them the email address listed there,

  5. Have them use the reset the password link

    1. Resetting the password is done by the user going to the page and clicking on the "I forgot my password" link, then following the directions

    2. All password reset emails are sent to the email address (also their username) associated with the Candidates order

    3. ASWBCentral password requirements are shown to the user as they are changing their password. A copy of the requirements are located here.

    4. If the system indicates that an account could not be found, have the candidate use the "Forgot Username" link on the login page, and have them enter the email address we have on file.

  6. Have them clear their browsers cache 

    1. Direct them to (this is a third-party site not affiliated with ASWB in any way)

    2. In the upper right-hand corner of the page there is a button "Detect my browser", have the user press that button

      1. The page will now refresh to the specific instructions on deleting the cache for the browser they are using. 

      2. If it can not detect the browser, they are using a browser which we do not support

If they are indicating that they are not able to access the user agreement when they click the "Launch" button

Please use the following: (this has been worded as a email response since the majority of communication with these candidates will be through the email address.

  1. Before logging in:

    1. Please make sure that you have disabled any pop-up blockers within your browser.

      1. If you have any internet security software running on your computer, please disable it temporarily while troubleshooting

      2. If you are on a corporate or school network, you may need to verify if the test site is accessible. You can verify this by going to this URL

      1. If it is accessible you will see a message “Welcome to ITD!” on the webpage.

        1. Any other message indicates that your network is preventing you from accessing the site.

      2. Ensure that JavaScript is enabled. Instructions on how to do this can be found by going here:

      1. This site will automatically detect which browser you are using and provide the specific instructions needed.

        1. Once JavaScript is enabled, you will see a message “JavaScript is enabled in your web browser. If you disable JavaScript, this text will change.”

      2. Clear your browsers temporary cache and internet files. If you need assistance, the site will detect the browser you are using for you and provide the instructions

      3. After completing items 4 & 5, please close all browser windows and reopen your browser

  2. If you are not able to access the Practice Test after completing these steps, please reply with the following information:

    1. The type of browser you are using and the specific version (this should be shown when you are doing step 4)

    2. The operating system you are using

    3. The type of network you are using (Home, School, Work)

    4. A phone number where our technical staff can reach you to do additional troubleshooting and 2 time periods (with the time zone) when you will be available. Please note that it may 1 business day before your call is returned

If they are indicating that they are not able to access the practice test after clicking on the "GO!" button on the user agreement page

  1. Please use the following: (this has been worded as a email response since the majority of communication with these candidates will be through the email address.

  1. To assist us in identifying the source of your issue, could you please try the following troubleshooting steps and let us know if you are able to successfully access the test.

    Before logging in:

    1. Please make sure that you have disabled any pop-up blockers within your browser.

      1. If you have any internet security software running on your computer, please disable it temporarily while troubleshooting

      2. If you are on a corporate or school network, you may need to verify if the test site is accessible. You can verify this by going to this URL

      1. If it is accessible you will see a message “Welcome to ITD!” on the webpage.

        1. Any other message indicates that your network is preventing you from accessing the site.

      2. Ensure that JavaScript is enabled. Instructions on how to do this can be found by going here:

      1. This site will automatically detect which browser you are using and provide the specific instructions needed.

        1. Once JavaScript is enabled, you will see a message “JavaScript is enabled in your web browser. If you disable JavaScript, this text will change.”

      2. Clear your browsers temporary cache and internet files. If you need assistance, the site will detect the browser you are using for you and provide the instructions

      3. After completing items 4 & 5, please close all browser windows and reopen your browser

  2. If you are not able to access the Practice Test after completing these steps, please reply with the following information:

    1. The type of browser you are using and the specific version (this should be shown when you are doing step 4)

    2. The operating system you are using

    3. The type of network you are using (Home, School, Work)

    4. A phone number where our technical staff can reach you to do additional troubleshooting and 2 time periods (with the time zone) when you will be available. Please note that it may 1 business day before your call is returned

If they are indicating that a specific category they purchased is not showing up, or is not available

  1. Look up the order in Products and confirm

    1. that the missing category was purchased

    2. that the Username they are logging in with matches the email address on the order

    3. if the username is different, attempt to locate an order with the username they are using, if there is one verify that the Candidate ID on both orders are the same 

    4. verify that it has been at least 30 minutes since the order has been placed

    5. If the items above have all be verified, please capture the following information and forward it to a manager. The IT team will look into it

      1. Description of the issue (Category not showing at all, category not accessible)

      2. The name of the Candidate

      3. The Candidate IDs

      4. the username they are logging in with

      5. Contact information of individual we should work with

        1. Their name

        2. Their email address

        3. at least one phone number

        4. What is the best way to contact them

        5. When is the best time to contact them

      6. The order number(s) of the purchase(s) for the category they are having issue with

If they are receiving an error message other than the “An error has occurred, contact support” when trying to purchase or use the Practice Test:

  1. A complete list of the error messages, their cause and steps to take to resolve the issue can be found in this document

The Candidate’s order has been imported but it is not on their ASWBCentral Account

  1. Create a Jira ticket using the “Practice Test - Order not on Account” request type

  2. Provide the following items

    1. Authorization to test number associated with the practice test

    2. Candidates Last Name

    3. Candidates First Name

    4. Email address associated with the Candidates ASWBCentral Account

Requirements for Jira tickets

The following items should be included whenever you are opening a Jira ticket for support. Those with a * are required.




Is there a list of FAQ's available for customers?

We are currently working on adding a FAQ page which will be available from the Submit Help form on, a copy of the content is available here

What happens to people who previously purchased Individual Practice Tests?

They will continue to access the Practice Tests the same way the did previously.

What happens if they say they didn't get the email with their login credentials?

Access the order in Products and provide them the email address that was used. They should then go to the new login page ( and use the "I forgot my password" link to get a new password

What should we do if the Candidate does not have access to their email any longer or needs to change the email address on file?

  • Verify using your existing process that the individual making the request is someone who is authorized to make the change

  • Get a First and Last Name and NEW email address

  • Submit the following information to your manager so that IT can create a new login

    • Candidate ID number

    • First Name (as it appears on the order)

    • Last Name (as it appears on the order)

    • NEW Email address

  • Advise the Candidate that the change in email address AND username will occur within 1 ASWB business day, and they will receive an email from ASWB once the change has been completed.

  • Process the change of email in the existing systems as you normally would

I would like to see what the new system looks like, how do I log in?

We have created a sample user for staff to use. This login information should NOT be given to non-ASWB staff

  1. Login at (if you see a security warning message, it is ok to proceed)

  2. Use the following information to login:

    1. Username:

    2. Password: CSCR0ck$

***As of 9/16/2019 we are currently working on creating individual accounts for all staff to log in with. Once these accounts have been established we will update this section***

The Candidate is asking for a copy of their receipt, what do I do?

Copies of all receipts are available to the candidate online for new product orders when they purchase a Practice Test online. To see their receipt the candidate should:

  1. Go to

  2. Log into the system with their existing credentials

  3. Click on the "User Account" menu on the left side of the screen

  4. Click on the "My Transactions" menu item

  5. Locate the purchase in the list of transactions

  6. Click the View button

They can also locate a copy of the original emails sent to them by having the candidate:

  1. Go to

  2. Log into the system with their existing credentials

  3. Click on the "User Account" menu on the left side of the screen

  4. Click on the "Notifications" menu item

  5. Locate the email they want to see

  6. Click the Print button

What happens when we reset a Practice Test through the Site Admin webpage?

As of August 12th, the “reset” functionality removes the current expiration date from the practice test. In doing this, the Candidate will have another 30 days to access the SAME practice test from the next time they log in.

Resetting the practice test will NOT erase any progress the Candidate has made. For example, if they completed questions 1 through 30 before we “reset” the Practice Test, the next time they log in questions 1 through 30 will still be answered.

If you wish the candidate to have a NEW test, please open a Jira ticket.

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