How to use

3/4/2021 - We are aware of an issue affecting a small number of tickets with the following symptom(s):


  • When responding to a ticket, you receive a “Unable to send message” error

  • Updates to tickets (changing status, adding/editing tags, etc.) are not being saved


  • Log out of the system and back in. If the error continues, please move to another ticket or check back for an update to this notice in a few minutes.



This article will provide you information about ASWB’s usage of the site for addressing customer inquiries

In this article, we may refer to the site as:, the helpdesk tool, the app.

How do I access the site?

From your web browser,

  • Navigate to

  • When prompted enter you email address and password

    • If you forgot your password, click on the Forgot Password? link, to request a password reset

How do I locate tickets to work?

After logging into the app, you can locate tickets to work by clicking on one of the views available on the left side of the screen. Your supervisor will provide direction on which view you should be working.

How do I access a ticket so I can work on it?

Tickets can be accessed by clicking on any of the ticket information shown on the row in the view. This will bring you into the ticket.

How do I respond to emails?

Once you have located a ticket to work on from the view and clicked on it, you will be taken to the Response screen (seen below). The Response screen is divided into 4 parts

A. The Ticket History which includes all of the inbound and outbound messages on the ticket, any changes or updates made to the content of the ticket and the date/times when the changes have been made. This information is listed from oldest to newest so make sure you always scroll to the bottom to ensure you have the latest information.

B. The Reply Area where you are able to send a reply to the end user, or add private notes for your team mates. You can either type your responses out or make use of the Canned Responses.

C. The Ticket Details area, provides the Ticket Number, Created and Last updated date, the current status and other details. You will enter the Tag(s) for a ticket here.

D. The Responsibility area which allows you to see the team and staff member a ticket is assigned to, as well as providing you the ability to access other tickets from the individual.

First Steps in Working a ticket

  • Before providing any assistance in helpdesk, you must look up the candidates in the database. 

  • For new tickets you must: Change the requester information by hitting “change”. When the Change Requester screen will opens, update name information to the following format: Last name, First name Auth number

  • If you notice that there are multiple tickets from the same candidate, add a private note “duplicate email” and then set the status to CLOSED

  • If you do not provide any assistance for a candidate (ex: they resolved the issue before you could assist given), add a private note “no assistance given” and set the status to CLOSED

  • If the ticket is in the “SPAM” status, review the ticket and

    • if the ticket qualifies as SPAM, add the “SPAM” tag to the ticket

    • if the ticket is not SPAM, click the Not SPAM button.

Updating the Ticket Details section

The ticket details section has two field which a staff member may update:


The status reflects the current state and who “owns” the next update. Statuses are the same for all teams in the app. This is a list of the statuses available and when they should be used

  • Open tickets are the ongoing cases that need to be handled or is actively being worked by you or your teammates.

    • When a ticket is created, it gets an Open status

    • If the Candidate responds to Pending or Solved ticket, its status will be changed to Open automatically.

  • Pending tickets are cases that require some additional input or information from the Candidate.

    • When you reply to an Open ticket, its status will automatically switch to Pending.

    • If the candidate responds, the ticket will switch back to Open.

  • On hold tickets are cases that can’t be finished in a given moment. For example, you need to consult someone from another department.

  • Solved tickets are cases which have been finished. Mark tickets as Solved only if you are sure that your client received all the answers.

    • In the future, tickets in Solved status will be sent customer satisfaction surveys.

  • Closed tickets are cases that have been finished.

    • You should not move a ticket to closed status unless instructed to do so by management


The priority represents the importance of a ticket. Ticket priority should only be changed by or at the direction of a member of management. The priorities are Urgent, High, Medium, and Low.

Things to remember when responding to tickets

  1. It is the expectation that every email message from the Candidate receive a response from ASWB staff within 8 business hours.

  2. Every ticket should receive one or more Tags to help classify the issue/question.

  3. Make sure that you are putting the ticket into the correct status when you are done working the ticket

  4. Ensure that you are setting the proper expectations for the Candidate and the status you select correctly reflects the next step to be taken

  5. Before providing any assistance in helpdesk, you must look up the candidates in the database

Where can I find a list of the Tags in the system and their meaning? 

Tags allow us to identify the cause or reason for the ticket to be created. You can find the complete list of tags by clicking here and viewing the "Tags" worksheet. If you have a request to add or edit a tag, please send those to your supervisor.

Where can I find a list of the Canned Responses in the system and their meaning? 

Canned responses allow us to quickly apply template based responses to speed up responding to the candidate. You can find the complete list of Canned Responses by clicking here and viewing the "Canned Responses" worksheet. If you have a request to add or edit a canned response, please send those to your supervisor.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are tickets assigned?

When a new ticket is created in for the Candidate Services team, the system will automatically assign a ticket to the next individual. The system makes an attempt to ensure each team member has the same number of tickets. IF a ticket was created for any other team, a member of that team will need to assign the ticket to themselves.

I am going on vacation or will be out of the office, how do I stop tickets from being assigned to me?

CSC Management will remove you from your regular assigned teams so that you are not assigned tickets while on PTO.

I need to contact another department regarding a ticket, what do I do?

Used the canned responses in place to direct the candidates to the correct department by using #Email (choose department)

How do I handle tickets that are for a team not in helpdesk (Specialists, Member services, etc.)

Use one of the established canned responses to direct the individual to the correct contact address.

How are tickets escalated?

A ticket can be escalated for two reasons 1) the issue is outside of the currents teams responsibilities or 2) there has been a prolonged period of time since the last communication on ticket

For tickets outside your responsibility

  1. Discuss the issue with a Specialist or member of management to determine if an escalation is warranted

  2. Document via a private note who you discussed the escalation with for reference.

  3. If needed added/update the followers of the ticket

  4. Set the status of the ticket to “Pending”

  5. Update the Responsibility section of the ticket by updating the Team to reflect the proper team who should be handling the issue.

For tickets without a recent update

  1. If a ticket has been in Open or On-hold Status and there has not been an update on the ticket in 3 calendar days, the tag “FUBreach-Level 1” is assigned which allows Management to quickly view these

  2. If a ticket has been in Open or On-hold Status and there has not been an update on the ticket in 2 calendar days since the previous escalation, the tag “FUBreach-Level 1” is replaced with the “FUBreach-Level 2” tag, and all members of management are added as followers to the ticket so that they receive all notifications.

How to I enter notes that I do not want the Candidate to see?

When replying to a ticket, toggle the “Private” switch on the reply. The background will change from white to let you know you are in “private” text mode. Also, any time you use the @ Mention feature the ticket response will automatically change to Private mode.

Response field with and without private flag enabled

How do I know that my response to the individual was sent?

Under every outbound email on a ticket, the ticket delivery status will be shown. The delivery statuses are:

  • Delivered - The email was delivered to the the other parties email server and accepted. This does not guarantee that the email was delivered to the recipient themselves.

  • Read - The email was opened by the user.

  • Delivery issue - This will be shown when the email can not be delivered or is not accepted by the other parties email server. Hovering over the Delivery issue text will provide a general reason for the issue. The three reasons you could see are:

    • Hard bounce - There was an issue delivering the email to the other parties mail server. This can occur when domain name doesn’t exist or because the recipient is unknown.

    • Rejected - The other parties mail server would not accept the email. This could be due a temporary issue like the mailbox being full

    • Spam - The message was delivered to the other parties mail server but it responded letting us know that it was blocked by the user, or was classified as spam/bulk mail, or the message included content that the mail server would not allow to be delivered.

Can I still see emails sent to or before the migration to

Yes. The mailboxes are still available and if you had access to them before the migration, you will still be able to view them. All users except management have been switched to read-only view meaning that you are no longer able to send emails out through outlook via the or email address.

How does the system handle tickets?

Following outlines the flow of ticket from creation to closure:


Unable to access or page is running very slow

  1. Attempt to view another non-ASWB website and see if you are experiencing similar issues

  2. Determine if other teammates are experiencing the same issue

  3. If you are working remotely, disconnect from the VPN and attempt to access the site to confirm if the issue remains

  • If you are experiencing the issue only on and

    • you are not working remotely, contact the Windstar helpdesk.

  • If you are the only one experiencing the issue, then begin by restarting your PC

  • If you are working remotely, verify that your internet connection is functioning normally, and if the issue persists, contact the Windstar Helpdesk.

Unable to log in

  1. Reset your password by using the Forgot Password link?

    1. Be sure to check your SPAM/Junk email for the reset link

  2. If after resetting your password you are still not able to access the site, OR if it has been 15 minutes and you have not received your password reset email, contact your supervisor for assistance