Candidate EM’s in HelpDesk for ESL:

If a candidate emails in inquiring about ESL NSTA’s, search their information in Special Exams to see if their state/jurisdiction permits ESL.

  • Michigan and New York do not permit ESL arrangements or accept score transfers for test-takers that tested with ESL arrangements in another jurisdiction.

  • California only permits additional time.

    • CA test takers must first receive ESL approval through the CA BBS. The CA BBS form is linked here:


  1. If a candidate lives in a state/jurisdiction that allows ESL, send them the “SA - ESL general” canned response.


  1. If a candidate lives in a state/jurisdiction that does not allow ESL, then alter the “SA - ESL general response” to the below statement:

    1. Michigan and New York do not permit ESL arrangements or accept score transfers for test-takers that tested with ESL arrangements in another jurisdiction.

    2. You can bold the name of the state they are inquiring about.


  1. For CA candidates, send them the “SA - ESL California” canned response.

    1. These candidates must get approval from CA before they can complete our request form.

    2. Mary Coto from BBS CA will send us an email of candidates approved with approval forms.

      1. Some are repeat test takers, and we already have an ESL approval on file, so we just email the candidate to inform them we received their approval, and they can register at any time.



Password: “ASWBesl2022!”


  1. Sending a “Bulk List” of requests in DocuSign is no longer required for ESL as the ESL general response will lead them to the website to request the link to the docusign form.

  2. Downloading DocuSign requests:

    1. Once signed in, click on the “Manage” tab at the top of the page.

    2. Then click “Sent” on the left side of the page.

    3. Click on “FILTERS” at the top right of the page next to the search engine.

      1. Select “Complete” in the “Status” dropdown.

      2. Select “Last 30 days” in the “Date” dropdown.

    4. Find the documents that you need to download from the last one you pulled, and click on the down arrow next to “DOWNLOAD” on the right. Once you hit that arrow, you will see other options, select “Print”

    5. You will then see this window:

    6. Click “Print”
    7. Save to C:\Users\klacy\OneDrive - ASWB\Special Arrangements - General\SCANS\2023\Received 2023

      1. Name folder: Last name, First initial, State, ELL

      2. Name file in folder: Last name, First initial. App. Date

    8. Once you have downloaded all the DocuSigns for that day, place the total in the “Tracking and Trending” Excel under “Received through DS”

      1. Location: OneDrive - ASWB\Special Arrangements - General\Quarterly Reports\Tracking and Trending Data

Review of ESL Application:

  1. Does the jurisdiction permit ESL? See the Jurisdiction Summary Sheet here: S:\EXAM SERVICES\Special Arrangements Reps\How To Manuals\JURISDICTION SUMMARY SHEET.DOC

    1. Michigan and New York do not permit ESL arrangements or accept score transfers for test-takers that tested with ESL arrangements in another jurisdiction.

    2. California only permits additional time.

  • No: Inform the candidate that the jurisdiction/state does not permit nonstandard testing arrangements for candidates whose first language is not English.

  • Yes: Continue to next step.


2. Review the request

  • Check for any errors. Look good?

    • Yes- continue to next steps

    • No-Send the candidate a letter via email asking them to resubmit the form with the missing information.


3. Check SpecialExams for the following:

  • You will need to find the candidate by using the SSN/SIN on the application. If there is no record of them by the SSN/SIN you will need to look by their date of birth (DOB), last name and first name. If there is no record of the candidate, you will continue with the processing the request.

  • Existing ESL approval

    • ESL requests approved are valid indefinitely for the approving jurisdiction unless revoked by that jurisdiction or ASWB.

    • If there is a prior ESL approval check to see if the current request is for different arrangements or board than already approved for.

      • If no change, send the candidate a “determination letter” listing their current nonstandard testing arrangements via email. No need for a complete letter, transfer the info to the email body in HelpDesk.

      • If there is a change continue to next step.

  • Existing ADA approval or pending ADA application.

    • If the candidate has an ADA approval or a pending ADA request, keep files separate but may need to combine request, such as additional time all on ADA.

      • Notify appropriate Coordinator for them to process with the ADA.


4.Check the Jurisdiction Summary Sheet S:\EXAM SERVICES\Special Arrangements\PROCESS DOCUMENTS\JURISDICTION SUMMARY SHEET.doc to see if the board or ASWB makes the approval.

  • FOR CA APPLICANTS ONLY: If the application is from a candidate who is testing for California, the candidate will need to follow up with California and gain approval from them first. The CA BBS will email an approval once the candidate has done this and they have been approved. ASWB requires both the ASWB ESL form and CA approval before we can enter the special arrangements approval into our system.

    • If there is no CA approval on file notify the candidate via a letter asking them to follow up with CA. See S:\EXAM SERVICES\Special Arrangements Reps\ESL Dictionaries\ESL Letter Templates

      • Move the candidates file to Pending.


If ASWB determines ESL approval is ready, then continue to “Enter Approval.”

Enter Approval for candidate NOT registered:

  1. In SpecialExams you will find the candidate by using their SSN/SIN.

    1. If you cannot find the candidate by their SSN/SIN or by their name or DOB, you will need to add them to the database.

      1. You will need to enter the candidates SSN/SIN, DOB, first and last name and the state/jurisdiction.

        1. If the candidate did not provide their SSN/SIN you will need to contact them to get it. Schedule Phone call to obtain.

b. You will then click on “Add New Candidate” and proceed to the next step


2.To process the request.

  1. Select “List Existing Approvals” and “Add New”

  2. Enter the state/jurisdiction under “Appr Juris.”

    1. Remember dictionaries are not permitted in California.

  3. Enter the Approval Date as the date that the arrangement was approved, today’s date.

  4. Expiration Date populates when you select ESL radio button

  5. Click on the down arrow under Special Arrangements then Add the appropriate arrangement. Continue until all the approved arrangements have been added.

  1. Add notes to the Internal Memo section for notification

  • Add “needs board approval” (example needs TX approval) if they do not have an open approval.

  • Add other notes as appropriate

7.Save the approval to the file as the cover sheet


8.You will then need to move the application to the Notify folder so you can send the email the next day.


Enter Approval for candidate Registered with no “Y” under ADA or ESL:


  1. In SpecialExams you will find the candidate by using their SSN/SIN.

    1. If you cannot find the candidate by their SSN/SIN or by their name or DOB, you will need to add them to the database.

      1. You will need to enter the candidates SSN/SIN, DOB, first and last name and the state/jurisdiction.

        1. If the candidate did not provide their SSN/SIN you will need to contact them to get it. Schedule Phone call to obtain.

b. You will then click on “Add New Candidate” and proceed to the next step

  1. If the candidate has registered, but there is no “Y” under ADA or ESL, check BI to see if they have a testing appointment scheduled.

    1. If the candidate does not have a testing appointment scheduled, we can then move forward with adding the arrangements to their registration.

  2. To process the request.

    1. Select “List Existing Approvals” and “Add New”

    2. Enter the state/jurisdiction under “Appr Juris.”

      1. Remember dictionaries are not permitted in California.

    3. Enter the Approval Date as the date that the arrangement was approved, today’s date.

    4. Expiration Date populates when you select ESL radio button

    5. Click on the down arrow under Special Arrangements then Add the appropriate arrangement. Continue until all the approved arrangements have been added.

  1. Add notes to the Internal Memo section for notification about adding NSTA’s to their registration.

    1. “Checked BI-Record clear. Added ESL. No specials. Update. EM KL”


7.Save the approval to the file as the cover sheet by clicking the double white paper icon up top.

  1. Then go to the PDF request, hit “Organize pages”, then click “Insert from Clipboard”. Save.


  1. Then go to the candidate’s Reg notes and enter the information to notify Specialist what we did, we are completing an “update” to add the NSTA’s to the candidate’s registration since there is no appointment scheduled. Click save once you add your note.

    1. “8.4.23: Checked BI- Record clear. Added ESL, no dictionaries. Update sent to PV. Will send email once change is complete. KatelynL”

  2. Copy the candidate’s open registration, then click on List Existing Approvals, make sure the approval that you want to add is selected/highlighted blue, then click on “Add to Existing Registration”.

  1. You will then need to move the application to the Notify folder so you can send the email at the end of the day or the next morning.

    1. The candidate will receive their new ATT after we do an update so we want them to receive their letter before the ATT.

    2. Candidate will receive the following canned response when notifying: “SA - Scheduled - determination ltr. and ad..”

    3. The template used for this situation will be “ESL Already registered and we can add to reg blurb”



  1. The business day after you enter the approval you will need to notify the candidate of the arrangements, they have been approved for using the appropriate template (sdrive\EXAM SERVICES\Special Arrangements\Approval Letters\Template)

    1. All ESL Templates are named appropriately with “ESL” at the beginning of the name.

  2. After you have pulled up the appropriate template letter you will need to add the candidate’s name, the state they were approved and the arrangements they were approved for. The approved arrangements will be on the cover sheet that you saved to the candidate’s file.

  3. Once you have completed the correct template you will then save it as a PDF in the candidate’s file and name the file Candidate last name, first initial, determination letter, and the date you sent it (example: Johnson, J determination letter 11.23).

  4. Email the letter to the candidate.

  5. After you have emailed the candidate, you will then move the file:

  • If the candidate was approved, you will move the file from the “Notify” folder to the “Complete” folder.

  • If more information is needed, you will need to move the file from the folder it is in to the “Pending” folder.

Enter Approval for candidate Registered with a “Y” under ADA or ESL:

  • Notify Coordinator if there is a Y for ADA. They may need to combine their ESL extra time with ADA.



Naming ESL Files Reference:

Folder: Last name, first initial-state ESL (Diaz, T-VA ESL)

Applications: Last name, first initial-app date (Diaz, T-VA app 02.09)

Determination letter: Last name, first initial determination letter date (Diaz, T determination letter 02.09)

Notes (always saved as a word file): Last name, first initial notes (Diaz, T notes)

Emails with candidates are saved as “Email with candidate”. If multiple email strings are generated add a number in parentheses (EM with candidate (2))