Board Information


Keep and make corrections -

Candidate does not have an approval in the database.

Have you completed your application with your state board?

If yes: When did you receive your approval letter?

If no: There are 3 steps required to take the exam. In order to be able to take the exam, first you will need to apply for and receive your approval from your state board. Once that has been received by you and ASWB, you will be able to register for the exam. Once the registration is completed, you would then schedule. I would be happy to provide you with the phone number to contact your board to start this process.

Candidate is requesting additional time to test beyond what the approval allows.

Your Registration Expiration Date is directly tied to the approval to test expiration date you received from your state/province.  In this case, ASWB will need a new approval from your state or province to extend your Authorization to Test.  You must contact your state or province for a new approval.  I would be happy to provide you with the phone number to contact your board. 

Expired registration with open approval

If a candidate has an approval from a state that is open ended and they registered but did not test and let the registration expire, a specialist II can open a new approval.

Name changes/ Corrections.

If candidate is saying their name is not accurate, the approval will need to be reviewed by specialist II for review. Specialist II will determine if name change can be completed or if needs to go back to the board.

If a candidate calls to register and their SS# is different than the approval

SSN/SIN are not required for registration.

If the SSN/SIN is incorrect and all other candidate information is correct, you can correct it only if candidate can verify name, date of birth, level of exam and jurisdiction.

  • If the other candidate information is incorrect, candidate will need to contact their board to send us a correction.

If a candidate does not want to provide their SSN/SIN

  • Candidates cannot register online without an SSN/SIN. They will have to send a PDF registration form and we can register them using 999-99-9999. Candidate can email completed PDF back to

  • Once you save the registration, the 9’s will disappear. Candidate cannot use the 999-99-9999 online.

  • Register by phone available if necessary (not preferred method).

If a candidate's birthdate is incorrect on the approval

If all of the candidate information is correct, then you can correct the birthdate.

  • If you can’t verify the SSN/SIN and the birthdate is incorrect, then send the candidate back to the board to have the birthdate corrected.

Candidate needs to be sent to board.

Candidate does not have an approval in the database.

Questions to ask -

  • Have you completed your application with your state board? (Need to do first)

    • If yes: When did you receive your approval letter? (If less then 10 days, candidate should wait)

    • If no: There are 3 steps required to take the exam. In order to be able to take the exam, first you will need to apply for and receive your approval from your state board. Once that has been received by you and ASWB, you will be able to register for the exam. Once the registration is completed, you would then schedule. I would be happy to provide you with the phone number to contact your board to start this process.

Approval has completely different name then actual name.

You will need to contact your board and have them send the name correction to ASWB.  Once we have the name correction, you will be able to register. I am happy to give you the phone number to contact your board.

If the name changes after registering

If candidate was married after registering for the exam and name was changed prior to testing under same registration, they can take original marriage certificate along with IDs to the test center on test day to show why the name is now different.

If candidate was married prior to the registration and knowingly registered under the incorrect name, the marriage certificate would not apply. They will need a corrected approval from the board.

Exam Level Requirements

If the candidate wants to register for a different exam level than what the board approved, the candidate will need to be referred back to their board to make the correction and have it sent to ASWB before the candidate can register.

Spotlight on regulation

Veteran’s points

Georgia is the only jurisdiction that uses Veterans Points. Please contact the Georgia board for more information. I would be happy to give you the phone number if you like.