For Candidates that need to retest

90 Day wait

No candidate may take the examination more frequently than every 90 days. Candidates who missed passing the exam by 10 questions or less can apply for 90-day waiver online at

  • Day 1 of the 90-day wait begins the day after the test date and is a straight counting of days (Calendar days) The candidate can take the exam on the 91st day after testing.

  • Candidates may only register for one examination at a time, even if it is a different exam level or different state. Candidates will need to wait to reregister until ASWB has received their scores from PSI (this can take up to 2 weeks). Candidates applying for higher exam and already passed lower level (Bachelor exam passed and want to take Masters) still need waiver to apply.

    • IF APPLYING FOR 90 DAY WAIVER- Advise candidate to not register until receives approval

  • CA candidates must wait 90 days between exams. The Board will not submit a new approval to ASWB for candidates to test until the 90-day wait is over.

States that limit number of times to test

One Attempt Only

Two Attempts Only

Three Attempts Only













Newfoundland& Labrador


British Columbia







North Carolina


Rhode Island 

South Dakota




**OHIO 4x (from 2006) ** 



Approval Expired

If candidate approval expires before the 90-day waiting period is over, candidates will need to go back to board and receive a new approval. Once received, candidate can register and schedule exam for the 91st day and after.