Exam Development Canned replies

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Email Examdev

This question will need to be addressed by the Exam Development Team. Please email examdev@aswb.org for assistance.

shortcuts#Email – Exam Development

Data Release questions

Thank you for contacting ASWB regarding your questions on the examination. Please submit all questions to Exam@aswb.org for additional assistance.

shortcuts#Data Release

 DSM - 5 Second Response

Thank you for sharing your concern about the transition to the DSM-5-TR. ASWB is reviewing the implications of adjusting exam content to align with the new DSM. We are committed to providing the information test-takers need to help them prepare for the examinations, regardless of when they are scheduled to test.

shortcuts#DSM-5-TR second response

 DSM - 5 First Response

ASWB exam content and study materials will reflect the transition to the DSM-5-TR beginning in January 2024. Test-takers will continue to see exam questions with DSM-5 content until then.

shortcuts#DSM-5-TR first response


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90 day wait

The 90 day wait period is to prevent the exam from being over exposed.

3rd Party wants info

ASWB does not reveal identifiable candidate information or prospective candidate information to any third parties.  This policy protects the integrity of the examination and licensure process and is respectful of the legal issues surrounding sensitive information. 

Review Exam Questions

You are not able to view the items from your exam. The examination program cannot help social workers pass the test, nor can active items be used as learning tools; therefore, examination review is not allowed. Examination security is another important reason ASWB does not permit examination review.

Exam is biased.

The social work licensing exams follow strict test development standards that ensure fairness, while maintaining the high quality and rigor of social work licensing exams. It is also tasked with ensuring that social work’s mission, values, and ethics are reflected in the exams. Every question is reviewed at each step in the process for signs of potential bias.
ASWB’s commitment to inclusivity is evident in the exam development process, which is continual and includes many checks and balances along the way. It begins with a major survey of thousands of social workers to ensure representation from various backgrounds and geographic areas. The results of this survey, called a practice analysis, give ASWB a clear sense of what entry-level social workers do, helping to establish the categories of exams offered and the content for measured competencies.
You can read more detail on how ASWB measures competence fairly on our website here: Measuring competence fairly

If you still have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our exam that can review this information further at exam@aswb.org.