PSI Launch FAQ

How will things work with PSI

  1. No more nightly files!

    1. Once the automated processing of registrations is activated, newly imported registrations or updates to existing registrations for PSI will be sent to them within 60 minutes.

    2. PSI will process the request immediately and let ASWB IT know if there were any issues.

  2. Email communications

    1. The new ASWB integration system will handle sending out all emails to PSI candidates.

      1. Authorization to test emails sent as soon as we receive confirmation from PSI that their system has accepted the registration record.

      2. When one or more of the following changes have been made to a registration record, we will let the applicant know that the update has been sent successfully sent to PSI

        1. Name on registration (first, middle or last)

        2. the registration end date

        3. exam level

        4. the Candidate ID / ACTNO

        5. the ADA and/or ESL accommodations associated with the registration.

        6. Eligibility/Authorization Date

        7. Authorizing State

      3. When it is 7 days before the Candidates scheduled exam date we will send them a reminder email

      4. When it is 48 hours before the Candidates scheduled exam date we will send them a reminder email

    2. The authorization to test emails/update emails for registrations assigned to Pearson Vue will continue to be sent by staff as normal


      1. Will only send emails for Pearson Vue registrations.

      2. Will only print letters for Pearson Vue registrations.

      3. Will send to either PV or PSI registration based on Registration start date.

      4. Will send to either PV or PSI registration based on Registration start date.

      5. Will only send emails to Pearson Vue registrations.

  3. Management will outline changes to the Candidate scheduling experience

Changes to crcRegistration/crcManagement/crcSpecialExams

  • A new version of all three systems will be released the night of 10/31/2023. The new versions will have version numbers of

    • “11/1/2023 PSI” for crcSpecialExams

    • “11/1/2023 PSI” for crcRegistrations

    • “11/2/2023 PSI” for crcManagement

  • It is now important to pay attention to the registration date of a registration dates as it will determine which vendor the Candidate will need to contact.

    • Before 11/1/2023 – Candidates will contact PV.

    • On or after 11/1/2023 – Candidates will contact PSI

Changes to registrations

  • Except for the Registration Start Date, all changes you have been doing can continue to be made.

  • When changing the registration start date

    • If you need to change the date from BEFORE 11/1/2023 to ON or AFTER 11/1/2023 or vice versa, you need to open a JIRA ticket so that IT can make the change and ensure that both PV and PSI receive the appropriate updates.

    • If you are changing a registration start date before 10/31/2023 to another date before 10/31/2023 OR if you are changing a registration start date on/after 11/1/2023 to a date after 11/1/2023, you do not need to open a ticket currently.

Pearson Vue files

  • No change to the process at this time, you will continue to generate them nightly. For the first week, the file should be generated and sent to Robert to verify before posting it to PV.

What’s going to happen on 11/1/2023

  • All overnight registrations will be imported, and IT will make updates as needed to ensure that they are going to be sent to the proper testing vendor.

    • Note to management, there may be some discrepancies in End of day/Week/months reports on registrations as there are several different ways that the system is currently reporting these.

  • IT will manually begin sending approvals over to PSI in small batches to ensure that both the ASWB and PSI systems are working as expected.

  • Once IT and PSI are satisfied things are working as expected we will activate the automated processing of the registrations.

Requesting a change of test vendor from PSI to PearsonVue

  1. If approved under the processes established, IT can move a registration from PearsonVue to PSI.

  2. Update all necessary information on the approval that is needed EXCEPT for the registration start date

  3. Open a ticket in JIRA

    1. Subject: Move registration from PV to PSI

    2. Include the ACTNo(s) of the registrations which need to move

  4. IT will

    1. cancel any scheduled appointments the Candidate has with PSI

    2. cancel the eligibility in the PSI system so that the individual may not schedule again

    3. update the registration start date of the registration so that the legacy systems recognize it as a PV registration

    4. add the registration to the list of registrations to be included on the days file for PSI

    5. Respond to the ticket when the steps above are complete






Does ASWB automatically cancel scheduled exam appointments?

While the automated processes can not delete just a scheduled appointment, certain changes to an registration may result in ASWB canceling and resubmitting an updated registration to PSI. When this occurs, any scheduled appointment will be canceled.

For reference, the following changes require that ASWB cancel the existing registration with PSI and send a new registration.

  • Change to the Candidate ID or ACTNo

  • Change to the authorizing state of the registration

  • Change in examination level

  • Add/Edit/Deletion of any ADA/ESL accommodations associated to the registration

How long does it take for PSI to learn about a new/updated registration?

The current automation process runs every hour on the hour (1:00, 2:00, 3:00, etc.) and generally takes less than 2 minutes to process all new/updated registrations

The candidate needs to change the email address that they use to log into the PSI System

The candidate must contact PSI and request that the scheduling account username/email address be updated. ASWB is not able to change that email address. (But make sure we have the correct email address on file as well)