As a user, I must be able to edit an existing approval
Document Status | DRAFT |
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Business POC |
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Azure Dev Ops Work Item # |
As a user, I may be required to alter an existing approval to correct information previously provided. The system must allow me to provide updates to the approval when the approval is valid.
The user has the proper authority to alter the data
The previous and new values as well as the username and current time will be logged for auditing purposes.
When accessing the edit screen, all previous data should be populated in an masked form
Dates are to be displayed as MM/DD/YYYY
SSN to be shown in full.
The user may correct 1 or more values as needed.
The system will determine which values have changed and properly identify them in the “CorrectionList” column when saved.
Changes will NOT be made directly to the imported approval
The form will have a Save button which will insert a new approval record for importing using the information in the form
Design Considerations
Test Cases
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Out of scope
For phase 1, the following previously identified NEW requirements are considered out of scope
System will allow CSC and Board to enter "notes" on approval
CSC can designate if a note should be viewable by board or not
User will have the ability to delete an approval
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