As a system, I must change the status of an application based on the exam result received

As a system, I must change the status of an application based on the exam result received

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Business POC


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Azure Dev Ops Work Item #



To allow the staff the ability to easily track applications which have had test results processed, it has been required that the system use specific statuses for the different scenarios.


  • The requirements apply to all pre-approval applications in ASWBCentral


  1. When a failing exam score is received,

    1. the status of the application will be set to “Exam Failed”

    2. A status audit note will be entered with

      1. The Audit Event type “Exam Failed”

      2. Audit note text of text “Failing exam score from <ExamDate> received”

        1. <ExamDate> will be replaced with the date of the exam result in the format of MM/DD/YYYY

        2. The note entry date will be the date the system processed the exam result

  2. When a passing exam score is received,

    1. the status of the application will be set to “Closed”

    2. A status audit note will be entered with

      1. The Audit Event type “Close - Exam Passed”

      2. Audit note text of text “Passing exam score from <ExamDate> received”

        1. <ExamDate> will be replaced with the date of the exam result in the format of MM/DD/YYYY

        2. The note entry date will be the date the system processed the exam result

Design Considerations


Test Cases

Link to test case documentation


Link to test case documentation








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