Laws And Regulations System - Overview

Laws And Regulations System - Overview


ASWB currently utilizes a custom system which was designed to allow the organization to track different attributes of Social Work regulations across ASWBs member boards and jurisdictions. This information is routinely updated by dedicated ASWB staff and viewed by both internal and external individuals.

Since its inception the attributes tracked, and the associated data have outgrown the current systems capabilities and ASWB is currently looking to solicit replacements of the application based on the documented requirements listed in the attached pages.


The following table represents a list of terms that will be used throughout the related documents and are documented here for a shared understanding of their usage.





Laws and Regulations system (L&R)

The system used today for tracking and reporting the various laws and regulations of different jurisdictions

Top Level Category

The way in which the different laws and regulations are grouped


Additional lower groups of laws and regulations that are associated to a top-level category


Represents a distinct circumstance that a rule is applied to (lowest grouping level); These are associated to both Sub-categories and Jurisdictions

Data Element / Item / Attribute

The specific details of an Attribute


A physical area over which a Board/College administers licensing


The legal entity that administers the Social Work license for a Jurisdiction. These entities are responsible for adhering to their laws and regulations


Supporting Documentation

Attached is a list of the current systems Top-Level, Sub-Category, and Identifier values.


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