As a system, I must verify and validate a Candidates eligibility

As a system, I must verify and validate a Candidates eligibility

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@Robert Adach

Business POC

@Felicia Dennison

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Azure Dev Ops Work Item #

User Story 1450

Last updated on

Aug 20, 2021

Last updated by

@Robert Adach


Displays the information that is to be collected from the candidate to validate the Candidates identity and verify eligibility to sit for the ASWB examination


  • The registration landing page is being visited by the Candidate (or someone authorized to act on behalf of the Candidate).

  • All instructional and warning text displayed will be the same as those in the legacy registration process.

  • All field labels displayed displayed will be the same as those in the legacy registration process.

  • All logic determining field visibility will be the same as those in the legacy registration process

  • All logic determining field value validity will be the same as those in the legacy registration process


  1. The page is not shown until the successful complete of the actions listed in As a system, I must allow the selection of a ASWB member jurisdiction.

  2. The system must display the proper fields based on the jurisdiction selected by the Candidate in the previous requirement

  3. The page will have a single area where all error messages will be displayed.

  4. The system must use the field definitions listed in the Field Requirements section when displaying, validating and verifying the user input

    1. All validations are to be performed once the “Next” button is pressed

      1. All error messages are to be presented together at the top of the page in the following order based on field(as needed)

        1. Do they Match? field

        2. Exam Level

        3. Last Name

        4. First Name

        5. SSN/SIN

        6. Date of Birth

        7. ADA

        8. ESL

      2. If all validations are successful, the system will then verify the Candidates eligibility

  5. After all validation errors have been corrected, the system must verify the Candidates eligibility using the queries listed in the “Locate Approval” section below

    1. If no records are returned from either query, display the error message “Sorry, there does not appear to be an approval on file for <<FirstName>> <<LastName>>, SSNo = <<IDNo>> Birthdate = <<BirthDate>> for the <<ExamLevel>> in <<JurisdictionName>>. IIF your name has changed recently or your photo ID does not match the name that was submitted to your local Board, please contact ASWB Candidate Services via our Contact Form.

      1. Items encapsulated in <<>> are values entered by or derived from those entered by the Candidate

    2. If more than 1 record was returned by the query, display the error message “Sorry, there are multiple possible matches for your information, where there should be only 1. Please contact ASWB Candidate Services via our Contact Form.”

    3. If only 1 record is returned, then the system must use the “Validate Approval Requirements” listed below to ensure that the information matches.

      1. The system must not continue validations and is to return the listed error message immediately when any single validation attempt fails.

  6. If the candidate navigates from this page to the previous page, the data entered during the session is not expected to be retained and it should be considered that the application is “starting over”

  7. If the candidate navigates from the “Demographic Information” page to this page, all fields on this page should be repopulated with the previously entered information.

  8. If the candidates approval expiration date is between 16 & 30 days (inclusive) into the future, the candidate must be presented with and agree to a warning message before continuing. The warning message is defined as item #8 in the Validate additional requirements section.


Field Requirements

Label Value

Field Name

Data Type

Prepopulated Values

Required when

Visible when

Invalid when

Error Message


Label Value

Field Name

Data Type

Prepopulated Values

Required when

Visible when

Invalid when

Error Message



Not shown


String (50)






The value of the jurisdiction selected on the Registration landing page


Not Shown


String (2)







Exam Level



Refer to “Eligible Exam Level”



no value is selected

Please select an exam



Last name


String (35)




  1. value is less than 2 characters in length

  2. 1st character of value is a space

  1. Last name is missing

  2. Last name should not start with a space



First name


String (35)




  1. value is less than 1 characters in length

  2. 1st character of value is a space

  1. First name is missing

  2. First name should not start with a space



Middle Initial


String (1)








Do they Match?






  1. no value is selected

  2. selected value is "No"

  1. Do the names match?

  2. If the names do not match you will NOT be allowed to test!  Please contact ASWB Candidate Services via our Contact Form

Contact form should be a hyperlink to https://www.aswb.org/exam/contact-the-candidate-services-center/




String (10)


By Board


when all dashes/spaces/non-numeric characters are removed the remaining value is less than 9 digits long

If Canadian jurisdiction:
SIN is not right
If US jurisdiction:
SSN is not right

Stored as Deby encoded value


Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)






  1. no value is entered

  2. if value is more than 90 years ago

  3. if value is less than 18 years ago

  1. Please enter your date of birth

  2. Please check year of birth

  3. Please check year of birth



I have been approved for nonstandard testing arrangements for a disability, health condition, or other need.






no value is selected

Please select No if there is no ADA request on file



I have been approved for nonstandard testing arrangements for English as a second language.





(based on selected state)

question is displayed and no value is selected

Please select No if there is no ESL request on file


Validate Approval Requirements

In the table below, the term “approval record” refers to the record returned by the query performed as part of the “Verify Approval” function. The items must be compared in the order listed below

Field Name

Invalid When

Error Message

Field Name

Invalid When

Error Message



When approval record has an IDNo value and it does not match the value entered by the Applicant

If Canadian jurisdiction was selected by the Candidate: Your SIN does not match our records. Please check your entry for error. If the problem persists, please contact ASWB Candidate Services via our Contact Form.

If US jurisdiction was selected by the Candidate: Your SSN does not match our records. Please check your entry for error. If the problem persists, please contact ASWB Candidate Services via our Contact Form.


LastName Or FirstName

When value on approval record does not match value entered by Candidate (ignoring character case)

Your first and last name must exactly match the information on your Board approval, AND on your photo ID. The names you have entered do not match the Board approval. Please check your typing for errors, and if there are none please contact ASWB Candidate Services via our Contact Form.



When the value on the approval record is within 15 days

Your approval to test expires on <<ApprovalExpirationDate>>. It may be challenging to schedule a test within this time frame. If you wish to try, please contact ASWB Candidate Services via our Contact Form.



There there is any value on the approval record

You appear to already be registered for an exam. Please contact ASWB Candidate Services via our Contact Form.



State Provides Birthday query is 2

Your date of birth does not match that provided by your local Board. Please correct it, either on this form or with them, depending on where the error lies.



If the approval record does not have an ADA value AND the user selected Yes

There does not appear to be an approval on file for your ADA request. Please contact ASWB Candidate Services via our Contact Form.



If the approval record does not have an ESL value AND the user selected Yes

There does not appear to be an approval on file for your ESL request. Please contact ASWB Candidate Services via our Contact Form.



When the value on the approval record is within 30 days

WARNING: Your approval to test expires on <<ApprovalExpirationDate>>. It may be challenging to schedule a test within this time frame. If you wish to try, please confirm by checking the box by the NEXT button below

Supporting Functions

The items within this section are functions and queries to be used by the system during the process of validating and verifying a Candidates approval

The variables defined in the SQL queries are as such

  • IDNo - the Deby Encoded IDNo field value

  • Jurisdiction - the 2-character state abbreviation of the jurisdiction selected by the Candidate on the initial Registration Page

  • ExamLevelID - the ID number associated to the exam level selected by the user

  • LastName - the last name provided by the Candidate

  • BirthDate - the complete birthdate entered by the Candidate


Eligible Exam Level

This function will create a dictionary of Exams to use in the drop-down list

CREATE C# Function to create dictionary

State Provides Birthdate

This query is used to identify if the Candidate birthdate is provided as part of the approval.

SELECT BirthDate FROM tblCRCNewStateRules where [State] = @Jurisdiction

Locate Approval

The following outlines the process the system is to use to verify the Candidates approval. The SQL queries listed below will be run against the ASWBOnline database on the DataPath server.


1. Attempt to locate the approval with full data

SELECT ACTNo, AuthorizingState, ApprovalExpirationDate, Upper(FirstName) as FirstName, Upper(LastName) as LastName, IDNo, BirthDate, Gender, Ethnicity, Nationality, PrimaryLanguage, OpenACTNo, ADA, ESL, PP, CandidateID, ExamNo, Waiver90Day, Excused, StateVoucher, ApprovalDate, BSYear, BSMajor, BSSchool, MSYear, MSMajor, MSSchool FROM tblCRCNewOpenApproval WHERE IDNo = @IDNO AND AuthorizingState = @Jurisdiction AND ExamLevel = @ExamLevelID

2. If no data was located using the previous query, we will attempt to locate the data with the follow query

SELECT ACTNo, AuthorizingState, ApprovalExpirationDate, Upper(FirstName) as FirstName, Upper(LastName) as LastName, IDNo, BirthDate, Gender, Ethnicity, Nationality, PrimaryLanguage, OpenACTNo, ADA, ESL, PP, CandidateID, ExamNo, Waiver90Day, Excused, StateVoucher, ApprovalDate, BSYear, BSMajor, BSSchool, MSYear, MSMajor, MSSchool FROM tblCRCNewOpenApproval WHERE AuthorizingState = @Jurisdiction AND LastName = @LastName AND ((BirthDate is null) or (BirthDate = @BirthDate)) AND ExamLevel = @ExamLevelID

3. Analyze the records returned to determine next steps

Design Considerations

Test Cases

Link to test case documentation


Link to test case documentation








Related Items



IT Information

  1. The all queries listed on this page should utilize the ASWBOnline Connection String

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