Resend Individual Score Report

Resend Individual Score Report

This article will assist with sending an individual score report to a jurisdiction.

This article is for an individual score report, which is the detailed information given to the board for a Candidate they approved after the test has been administered. This is NOT to be used for Score Transfer reports, which are exam results being sent to a jurisdiction OTHER than the one which approved the Candidate for exam.


Before beginning, please verify that you have the following:

  • Candidate information

    • Candidate Name (as listed on the approval)

    • Date of Exam

    • Jurisdiction which authorized the exam

To assist the following query can be used to locate the necessary information, you will need to comment/uncomment the appropriate WHERE clause(s) based on the information available. This should be run against the ASWB database on ASWBSQL2\ASWBSQL2 instance

SELECT FirstName, LastName, ExamDate, AuthorizingState FROM tblExam WHERE 1 = 1 AND ACTNo = '' --AND CandidateID = --AND AuthorizingState = ''
  • Jurisdiction contact(s) to email - Individual score reports can only be sent to Board staff.

    • If there are specific address(es) listed in the Jira ticket that are noted to have the file sent to, it should be assumed that the submitter of the ticket has verified that the listed email addresses can receive the score report

    • If there are NO addresses listed in the Jira ticket to send the file to, it should be assumed that the standard score transfer contacts should receive the email. You may run the following query against the DevOps database on the ASWBData server to locate the contact(s)

SELECT EmailAddress FROM v_ScoreTransferContacts WHERE Jurisdiction = 'NE' AND PrimarySendVia = 1


The score report file name follows the same format: <Jurisdiction>-SR_<Date>_00.pdf. The <Jurisdiction> is the two letter abbreviation for the authorizing state of the exam approval, and the <Date> is the date the report was generated. You will want to access the file with the date that falls immediately after the Candidates exam date. DO NOT USE THE DATE MODIFIED COLUMN.

  1. Locate the file that contains the individual score report we need to send

    1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the S:\EXAM SERVICES\Project Coordinators\Individual Score Reports\ folder

    2. Open the folder containing the Score Reports for the Year the exam was administered (Exam Date)

    3. If not already sorted, sort the file list by name in ascending order

    4. Open the file

  2. Locate the score report for the requested Candidate

    1. You can use the find feature to search by ACTNO or Candidate last name

  3. Note the page number the score report is one

  4. Print the individual Score Report

    1. Open the Print Dialog

    2. Change the printer to PDF

    3. Under the Print Page section, set the information to print the page identified in Step 3 above

    4. Press the Print button

    5. Save the file locally using the following format <JURISDICTION>-<LAST NAME FIRST NAME>- <EXAM DATE> - <ACTNO>

      1. JURISDICTION is the 2-letter abbreviation for the Authorizing state

      2. <LAST NAME FIRST NAME> is the Candidates name as listed on the Approval

      3. EXAM DATE is the date the exam was administered in the format YYYY_MM_DD

      4. ACTNO is the approval number

  5. Open the generated file to confirm that the proper score report was saved.

  6. Send the Individual Score Report

    1. Open a new email message in Outlook

    2. Change the message sensitivity to “Confidential”

    3. Set the “From” address to ASWBServices@aswb.org

    4. The subject line should be entered as “ASWB Examination Official Individual Score Report”

    5. The body should read, “Attached please find the requested individual score report”

    6. Attach a copy of the file generated in step 4

    7. Add the recipients to the To file

    8. Send the email

  7. Update and close the Jira ticket letting the submitter know that the score report was sent.

  8. Delete the local file created in step 4.

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