EPIC - Voucher Payments
EPIC - Voucher Payments
Robert Adach
Owned by Robert Adach
The following pages are the user stories related to the new tender type “Voucher Payments”
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As a MA Staff Member, I must be able to render a decision on a voucher request
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EPIC - Massachusetts References
EPIC - Massachusetts References
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As a staff member, I must determine if all supervisor references meet the minimum eligibility requirements
As a staff member, I must determine if all supervisor references meet the minimum eligibility requirements
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Expansion of Voucher usage for Examination and registration fees
Expansion of Voucher usage for Examination and registration fees
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As a system, I must require a USPS matched address for a MA Applicant
As a system, I must require a USPS matched address for a MA Applicant
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Authorize.net payment reconciliation report for ASWBCentral
Authorize.net payment reconciliation report for ASWBCentral
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