Retire ASWB-APP as mail server

Retire ASWB-APP as mail server

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Document Owner

@Robert Adach

Business POC

@Dan Sheehan

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Azure Dev Ops Work Item #



As part of the larger infrastructure modernization, the ASWB-APP server is slated to be retired. A major utilization of this server is the SMTP service running through IIS. This SMTP service is the mail service used by all legacy MSERV and Exam service applications, with few exceptions. It is possible that there are some rogue applications who are using this service, and this project will attempt to identify and address the changes to those as well.


  • This project is limited in scope to the elimination of the SMTP service running on the ASWB-APP server.

  • Unless otherwise required system configurations affected by this project will utilize the MailGun service going forward

  • All email services within an application utilize the same code base and configuration settings


For each application affected, we will have a Production Sampling period of 2-4 hours depending on application email usage. This will allow for a small test to occur to ensure full functionality. This configuration change will be reverted and a review of logs will be completed to ensure full functionality of the mail services using MailGun. If successful, the changes will be deployed to production within 1 week.

Pretest Requirements

For each application identified,

  1. IT will work with the business users to identify specific actions within the application which can be associated with an outbound email.

  2. A database query will be produced which will show the number of emails which were to be sent during the actions identified in the previous step for a specific period of time.

    1. This query will be run against the production system while it is using the ASWB-APP SMTP service to ensure accuracy before moving to the Production Sampling for the application.

Production Sampling

  1. Update mail service configuration settings to use MailGun SMTP services

  2. Monitor outbound email volume application and compare against MailGun logs using the queries produced as part of the pretest requirements.

  3. Restore mail service configuration settings to use ASWB-APP SMTP services

  4. Complete a full and thorough review of the mail sent via the application against the MailGun logs to ensure no discrepancies.

Production Roll Out

  1. Update mail service configuration settings to use MailGun SMTP services

  2. Monitor outbound email volume application and compare against MailGun logs using the queries produced as part of the pretest requirements.

    1. Monitoring will continue for 2 business days, post deployment at 4 hour intervals.

Deployment Timeline


Test Cases

Link to test case documentation


Link to test case documentation








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