Support University payment of exam registrations

Support University payment of exam registrations

Target release

December 1, 2022


https://aswb.visualstudio.com/Exam Registration Project/_workitems/edit/1785

Document status

gathering requirements

Document owner

@Robert Adach

Business POC

@Felicia Dennison


@Robert Adach


@Robert Adach


Exam Admin TBD

Background and strategic fit

ASWB Exam Development has been in discussions with Howard University to allow the university to pay the ASWB Exam and registration fees for graduates of its Masters of Social Work program. The requirements and documentation below are the results of conversations with Exam Administration and IT regarding the implementation of a solution which allows ASWB the flexibility to provide similar opportunities for university's, colleges or other organizations interested in paying for specific individuals examination and registration fees.


  • While this is being considered for Howard university, it can be assumed other schools may want to to establish similar arrangements.









Legacy system will allow staff to process registration with $0 cost

Must Have

The system allows for any jurisdiction to have a registration as $0


Legacy system will accurately report the number of registrations for the university with $0 cost registration

Must Have



Legacy system or other facility will report approvals with vouchers segregated by organization guaranteeing payment

Must have



Legacy system or other facility will report registrations with vouchers segregated by organization guaranteeing payment

Must have



Legacy system or other facility will report completed exams with state vouchers segregated by organization guaranteeing payment

Must have



The exam registration online system will allow Candidates to register at no charge if deemed eligible for the voucher payment

Must Have



The exam registration online system will display a pop-up message for eligible candidates advising them of the $0 cost registration

Should Have



The online system will keep track of the amount of pre-payment remaining and disable “free registrations” at a specific threshold

Must Have

When funds available <= threshold by > 0, popup will direct Candidates to contact Exam Admin directly


The system will allow ASWB staff to assign a Voucher number to the approval upon receipt of information from Howard university

Must Have

If the system is able to support multi-jurisdiction state vouchers.


Based on the eligibility requirements agreed to by the organization guaranteeing payment, the system will automatically assign vouchers if possible.

Must Have









Is this a prepayment process or post-payment

@Felicia Dennison

Pre-payment for exam registration fee and Exam fee.

What, if any, restrictions are there on the Candidate’s eligibility to receive the free registration?

@Felicia Dennison

1 free attempt of Masters for graduates of Howard who were approved by the university. All masters levels;

  • We will still need to discuss with Howard if there is a time limit where this will apply

  • Do we need to return money to Howard if eligible candidates if they don’t register

Are Candidates currently approved, but not registered eligible for the free registration when the program starts?

@Felicia Dennison

No. Only specific candidates will be eligible

What is the target release to production date?

@Felicia Dennison

Estimate December 1

What should the pop-up message say (Header, text) if we require the candidate to contact Exam Administration

@Felicia Dennison

Yes, if possible

What should the pop-up message say (Header, text) if we allow the candidate to register online

@Felicia Dennison

Yes, if possible

Who is responsible for monitoring the usage of the payment

@Felicia Dennison

Exam Administration

Is there a time limit to how long the graduate has to take the exam before the “free” attempt is rescinded?

@Felicia Dennison

(Added 10/31/2022)

Is ASWB required to return prepaid fees if graduate does not take exam within initial approval period?

@Felicia Dennison

(Added 10/31/2022)

Who will create the content for the pop-up messages

@Felicia Dennison

(added 10/31/2022 post meeting)

Does ASWB need to review the communications sent to Howard University to ensure verbiage and terms are clear?

@Felicia Dennison

(added 10/31/2022 post meeting) - for example, they should only use the term “voucher” when discussing this arrangement and not “credit”; All references to ASWB and the examination comply with our usage standards, etc.

Does Legal need to review the agreement between ASWB and Howard University?

@Felicia Dennison

(Added 10/31/2022 post meeting)

IT LOE estimates.


Estimated Duration



Estimated Duration


Requirements meeting and documentation

4 hours


Code Review

2-4 hours


Required changes to legacy system for must have requirements

2-10 hours

Dependent on Code review and final design

Required changes to Exam Registration site for must have requirements

2-4 hours

Dependent on Code review and final design

Required changes to legacy system for should have / nice to have requirements

2-10 hours

Dependent on Code review and final design

Required changes to Exam Registration site for should have / nice to have requirements

2-4 hours

Dependent on Code review and final design

Make sure existing voucher reports will capture the usage of the OR voucher

2-4 hours

Dependent on Code review and final design

Implement system monitoring and proactive disablement based on fees available

3-6 hours

Dependent on Code review and final design




Durations listed for changes to systems include development, internal code reviews, and full QA testing by IT. It does not include time for the documentation of test cases if requested by the business line, or the time needed by the business line to complete testing

Proposed process

The following describes the proposed process for the administration and usage of the “free” attempt for Howard University graduates. This process may change during implementation based on additional information from discussions with the University or changes to the ASWB systems.

  1. Howard university will provide the ASWB Exam Admin with a list of eligible candidates.

    1. The list is to include First Name, Last Name, DOB, SSN and email address.

      1. SSN is optional but ensures accuracy.

      2. Email address is optional but allows the possibility to send notification to graduate that ASWB has processed voucher.

      3. Howard University is expected to verify the first and last name matches the name the candidate would be applying under

  2. ASWB Exam Admin team will calculate funds needed to cover the list of provided graduates and provide to ASWB Finance

  3. ASWB Finance department will provide Howard University with necessary paperwork needed for the remittance of payment

  4. Howard University will remit payment to ASWB.

  5. ASWB Finance will process payment and provide Exam Administration with details

  6. Exam Admin staff will add voucher approval to system following stand process in use for MA state vouchers.

  7. Graduate/Candidate will register for the examination through the exam registration website (examregistration.aswb.org) or by contacting ASWB Exam Admin

  8. Exam Admin staff will review usage through available reporting and provide updates to Howard University as needed.

Out of scope


Project Notes


Entered By



Entered By


Aug 22, 2022

@Robert Adach

Per teams message from Felicia “..Hi Robert. I just wanted to let you know that we did speak to the folks over at Oregon Health Authority. Our expected "launch" for these candidates will be January 1(ish) 2023”

Oct 24, 2022

@Robert Adach

Discussed the project requirements with @Dan Sheehan , @Felicia Dennison and @Subrena Breeden . Outstanding questions from IT have been addressed and work on design documents/requirements/LOE will begin.

Nov 9, 2022

@Robert Adach

Targeted date to deliver final requirements and LOE to the team including if work will need to be done in EREG and EAP2 codebases.




Supporting Documents


Technical Review (IT)

System / Area Affected








Registration (NEW)

The system allows for any jurisdiction to be flagged to allow state vouchers


Registration (NEW)

The system allows for any jurisdiction to be flagged to allow state vouchers



All reports on Vouchers will pick up any registration with state voucher listed. The titles and line items for voucher reports are hardcoded to include Massachusetts or MA in the item. This can be easily updated. No report content currently breaks or lists state vouchers by Jurisdiction



All reports on Vouchers will pick up any registration with state voucher listed. The titles and line items for voucher reports are hardcoded to include Massachusetts or MA in the item. This can be easily updated. No report content currently breaks or lists state vouchers by Jurisdiction


Approval Entry

Need to automatically add State Voucher to approvals as they are imported/created in the system


Exam Registration

Will be integrated into Phase 2 project. No immediate need to address

Exam Registration

Basic Information Page

Add a popup to page to notify Oregon Candidate of registration process

Exam Registration


Need to remove specific reference to State Voucher being MA only


Add vouchers through legacy


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