How to deny a pre-approval application in ASWBCentral

How to deny a pre-approval application in ASWBCentral

After a decision to deny a pre-approval application has been made, the actions outlined in this document will

  • Send an email to the applicant explaining the reason for the denial

  • Add an note into the Application Audit History indicating that the application has been denied

  • Sets the application to “Closed” status


  1. Access the application that you wish to deny

    1. The application must be one of the following statuses to enter a denial reason:

      1. Awaiting Initial Documents

      2. In Progress

      3. Problem

      4. Board Hold

  2. Click on the Correspondence tab

  3. In the “Notify Applicant of Denial” email control, enter the exact reason for denial

  4. If you would like to preview the email response, click on the Preview button,

  5. Click the “Send Email” button to send the Applicant the denial letter and complete the Denial process


Completing the steps in this article will immediately notify the applicant of the denial.

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