ASWB Central Release Notes

Desktop Application

Version TBD

Release Date:

  • To Test: TBD
  • To Produciton: TBD

Item NumberSummaryDescriptionAudience
1B-383PPD Searches are not being completed as expectedAn issue was reported where the ASWBCentral desktop system was indicating that no PPD results were found, when the staff expected one to be returned. A workaround was introduced into Production to address the issue temporarily, and we have addressed the issue within the code for a permanent solution.MSERV
2B-386"Status Notes" entered for an application are not being storedWhen you use the "Add New Status Audit Note" function, although the note entered appears in the grid initially, if you leave the application and return it is no longer there, and it is not saved to the database.
 A workaround was introducted into Production to alleviate this issue and a permanent solution was applied to the application in this release.
3B-387Workflow Audit Notes not being stored when performed by StaffIf an ASWB Staff member makes a change to a value, the value change is being saved to the database, but the data change log within the application is not reflecting the issue.MSERV
4B-409When sending an approval to Exam Services, the Last Name and Suffix should be concatenatedIn ASWB Central we store the Last Name and Suffix as two fields, but in ALL legacy systems they are stored in one. When we send an approval over we are not including the suffix which results in the user not being able to register for their exam if the approval name is different than their ID. This has been addressed in Production with an emergency patch release.MSERV
5B-414Unable to delete applications with "Application Locks"When attempting to delete an application which has one or more Application Lock records, the system threws an error message and the application was not deleted. This has been corrected to allow the application to be deleted.MSERV
6US-251As a system, I should use the defined contact information within email templatesThe email template engine has been updated to allow us to dynamically insert Board and ASWB contact information. This will allow us to use a single version of an email template, but generate the appropriate contact information before sending it.MSERV
7US-265As a System, I should display the proper areas for a user based on their assigned rolesWith the expansion of usage, the ASWBCentral desktop application will now need to display information based on the role(s) assigned to the user. This allows us to provide users with information relevant to their teams/departments, and segments access further.

8US-376As a system, I should only access information needed by the immediate processWe have reduced the amount of information we are initially accessing when a user opens an application on the web or desktop. This has resulted in a reduction in inital access time and memory utilization. MSERV
9US-417As a system, I should be able to migrate application data from another systemWe are migrating all of the UT applications from LAP Manager into ASWB Central. This will allow the UT board to access one portal for all of the application details, and MSERV staff will only have to access the ASWBCentral system for any UT Application.MSERV
10US-441As I system I must be able to determine the accreditation validity of a school based on a users accreditation.UTAH requires that individuals who indicate that they have graduated with a BSW or MSW must have done so from a school which held a CSWE or CASWE accreditation during the period of graduation. As the accuracy of the accredittation data is suspect, we do not want to alert the user to any possible issues with the data they are providing.

This feature allows us to identify if a school was accreddited at the time the user attended it. 
11B-340Incorrect reply-to used on GRPT emailsEmails sent fwhen GRPT orders are processed incorrectly contained IT staff email addresses when someone replied. This was addressed Production with a temporary workaround.GRPT
12US-374As a system, any code exceptions should be handled gracefullyWe have overhauled the error handling within the system to provide a more user friendly experience and additional logging for investigative purposes.ALL


Release Date:

  • To Test: 4/17/2018
  • To Produciton: 4/17/2018

Item NumberSummaryDescriptionAudience
1B-409Applicants Last Name appears incorrectly in CSCWhen sending an approval to CSC, we were not including the "Suffix" of the record as part of the last name field. This has now been corrected.MSERV
2B-386The entry of "notes" into an application are not being savedAlthough staff were able to enter notes into the Event tab, they were not saved to the record when the staff member left the record. This has now been corrected.MSERV


Release Date:

  • To Test: 2/22/2018
  • To Produciton: TBD

Item NumberSummaryDescriptionAudience
1US-239As a system I should be able to update ASWBCentral with exam approval, registration and result detailsBeginning in release 1.2 we will be expanding the data held within the database related to the approvals, registrations and examination results for Applications.MSERV
2US-230As a system, I should display email history to staff membersCorrected the following issues with viewing emails in the Desktop Application
1) If the data within a field is too long to fit within the current width, it should be wrapped to the next line (Currently the TO field is not properly wrapping)
2) The width of columns shown on the Email History grid should be adjustable by the end user.
3) When selecting an email message, the window that pops up should display the same information shown on the grid
3US-228As a system, I should report exam results to applicantsAdded functionality for the system to gather and report email results to the applicantMSERV
4US-218When deleting an application, all associated data should be deleted from the databaseUpdated the existing delete functionality to ensure all data associated to a workflow is deleted when we delete an application. MSERV
5US-214As a system I should store the following items for a JurisdictionExpanded the demographics for Boards and associated them to ASWB teams to allow for tailored message content. The Demographics include the following:
Jurisdiction Location Name - Full state/province name where the Jurisdiction operates
Jurisdiction Location Abbreviation - Two letter state/province abbreviation where the Jurisdiction operates
Board Name - The full name the Board should be referred to as (i.e. Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies)
Board Name  Abbreviation - The abbreviated name the Board should be referred to as (ie. DORA)
Board Contact Number - The phone number to provide to end users to contact the board
Board Email address - The email address to provide to end users to contact the board
Board Address - The address to provide to end users to contact the board
Board URL - URL to provide to end users to contact the board
ASWB Contact Number - The phone number to provide to end users to contact the ASWB team
ASWB Email address - The email address to provide to end users to contact the ASWB team
ASWB Address - The address to provide to provide to end users to contact the ASWB team
ASWB From address - The from address to use when sending emails from the ASWB Team for the jurisdiction
6US-212As a system I should refer to the database for configuration values and attributesCentralized the storage (and added necessary encryption) to certain application configuration values.MSERV
7US-205As a user, I should be able to delete an application which has not been importedAdded a utility for ASWB Staff to delete an application which has not been submitted on behalf of the applicantMSERV
8US-104As a user I should be able to run a report of Exam Status for applicationsUpdates to report showing applications that are Approved for Exam and have had test results reportedMSERV
9T-229Standardize Configuration SettingsTo increase the flexibility of the system all system configuration settings will be stored in the database rather than within the codebase.MSERV
10T-227Create base db contexts for the connections to the DARS, Registry and CSC ApprovalSimplified the way in which the system is connecting to various ASWB databases to increase performanceMSERV
11T-215Audit Logs should retain actual before and after values When recording changes to data, the system now shows the actual values selected from dropdowns/checkboxes rather than their index values.MSERV
12T-206Improve file upload handling1) Added a visual indicator to confirm a file upload was successful when uploading files associated to questions
2) On the documentation screen, the File Upload and Notes action are now the same control making it easier to upload.
3) When saving a file via the desktop, we are now saving the date and time the file was uploaded into the system
13B-275Reports are not showing all information when exportedCorrected an issue where only a limited number of records were being sent to the Excel document when exporting. Also added summary information to onscreen reports for Management Status report.MSERV
14B-237The email template substitution variable {{FullName}} does not populate in Desktop based emailsCorrected an issue where the email templates were not populate the Applicants first name in certain emails.MSERV
15B-210Payment Audit Notes are incompleteAdjusted the way in which we are saving the audit notes when capturing payments to include the association to the payment directly. This affects logging only.MSERV


Release Date:

  • To Test: 11/28/2017
  • To Produciton: 12/18/2017

Item NumberSummaryDescription
1US-178New report to identify applications waiting for CSC to acceptA new report has been added "Waiting for CSC" which will show all applications which have been approved by Member Services, but not yet imported by CSC.
2US-178Improved report exportsAll reports now will now export to excel directly, and will format the results. Export will include report filter dates and the timestamp when the report was generated,
3US-178Show candidate ID when CSC Approval is accepted

The Application Details section when selecting a record on the dashboard, and the Overview tab when inside an application will now indicate the Candidate ID. The following logic is used for the field:

  1. If there is no accepted approval from CSC for the application being viewed, the field will not show a value
  2. If there is an accepted approval from CSC for the application being viewed, but no Candidate ID is associated to the Social Worker, the word "ERROR" will be shown. 
  3. If there is an accepted approval from CSC for the application being viewed, and there is a Candidate ID associated to the Social Worker, the Candidate ID is shown.
4B-185Refresh button not refreshing when changes made from Web or other non-desktop sourcesThe refresh button will now circumvent the standard change tracking and will requery all necessary data to ensure the updated information is available.
5US-191Increased MessageType field for auditingFor auditing purposes, the MessageType field was changed from 16 to 64 characters
6US-193Introduce a "threaded" conversation datatypeTo support the Board portal process, we have developed a new data type called "Threaded discussion" which will keep a log of the previous updates to the field and encapsulate them with a timestamp and the user who entered them. The historical "thread" is read-only.
7B-194Corrected the saving of the date the application when from Awaiting Initial Documents to In Progress statusThe timestamp of the event where the Application when from 'Awaiting Initial Documents' to 'In Progress' was being saved in an incorrect field and has been updated to ensure accurate reporting.
8US-174Lock a record when accessed by the desktop applicationWhen a record is opened via the desktop system, it is locked and other desktop users will not be able to access the application until the first user exits the application workflow. If a user is disconnected due to connection issues, system crash, etc. the system will unlock all records for that user the next time they log into the system.
9MiscAllow a Production and Test verison of the application to run at the same timeThe ASWBCentral application will now allow users to have a Test and Production version of the application open at the same time.
10US-113Allow applications to be assigned to a userIntroduced the ability for the system to assign an application to the current user when it is imported, and allow the staff to change/update assignments through the Event tab.
11B-222Error when uploading file from the Transcript sectionResolved an issue that occurs when a Desktop user tries to upload a file in the Transcript section if certain conditions are met.
12T-225Display a meaningful value when uploading files on the desktopIn situations where there is not a defined "note" value for a file being uploaded, the system will now show a note of "<Workflow Step Name> Documentation>" Where <Workflow Step Name> is the workflow step associated to the question where the upload occurred. This only affects the Qualifying Questionnaire file upload at this time.


Release Date: 11/8/2017

Item NumberSummaryDescription
1US-162Internal App Revenue Report should include summary data

When viewing or exporting the Internal App Revenue Report, we will now show summary data which includes:

  • The number of Credit Card payments collected, and the total amount fo the Credit Card Payments
  • The number of MO Payments collected, and the total amount of MO Payments
  • The total number of payments collected, and the associated total amount
2F-39Changes to application data through the desktop application is immediately savedWhen updating data on the Desktop Application, certain data was not immediately saved and transferred to the database. In cases, when the application terminated unexpectedly, or exceptions were thrown, data was not saved, or the mapping to "base data" because out of sync. With this release, data changes are saved once the field focus is lost (user tabs to another field, clicks off the field, navigates to another tab).
3F-39Update "mapped" data on value changeWhen data which resides at either the Applicant and/or Application level that is propagated from Workflow Data, the system will now ensure that the mapped data is immediately updated. This includes fields like, Exam Level, SSN, Date of Birth.
4GenPerformance ImprovementsWe continue to attack and address performance issues throughout the application.
5US-133Delete Files from the Documents TabWe have activated the ability to delete files from the "Documents" tab.
6B-174Birthday sent to CSC Approval  is incorrectWe corrected the issue where CSC Approvals were being sent with the incorrect date in the Approval field.
7B-182Desktop users receive error when trying to upload a fileApplication was referencing an incorrect file location when trying to upload from a local users system.

Web Application


Release Date:

  • To Test: 6/20/2018
  • To Production: TBD

Item NumberSummaryDescriptionAudience
1B-369Board Portal search fails when a record has no SSNWhen conducting a search in the Board Portal if one or more of the records included in the result has no SSN the system would generate an error. In this release we addressed the issue and the records will return with no errorMSERV
2B-414Unable to delete applications with "Application Locks"When attempting to delete an application which has one or more Application Lock records, the system threws an error message and the application was not deleted. This has been corrected to allow the application to be deleted.MSERV
3US-197As an applicant, I should be able to edit an existing application I have submittedApplicants are now able to edit applications which are in "Problem" status. The applicant will only be able to edit their responses to questions whose "Master Control" are set to "Not Yet Checked" or "Problem" statuses.MSERV
4US-240As a system, I should display display Jurisdiction/Context specific contact information and FAQ on the website.We have updated the system so that it is contextually aware of where the user is located and will display relevant information within the application and help areas based on the users Role (when in the portal), or the Jurisdiction/License/Application type (when inside an application process)MSERV
5US-251As a system, I should use the defined contact information within email templatesThe email template engine has been updated to allow us to dynamically insert Board and ASWB contact information. This will allow us to use a single version of an email template, but generate the appropriate contact information before sending it.MSERV
6US-376As a system, I should only access information needed by the immediate processWe have reduced the amount of information we are initially accessing when a user opens an application on the web or desktop. This has resulted in a reduction in inital access time and memory utilization. MSERV
7US-417As a system, I should be able to migrate application data from another systemWe are migrating all of the UT applications from LAP Manager into ASWB Central. This will allow the UT board to access one portal for all of the application details, and MSERV staff will only have to access the ASWBCentral system for any UT Application.MSERV
8US-324As an authorized user, I should be able to create a new user account and associate to my OrganizationFor the GRPT process (and later the ACE Process) it is necessary to allow authorized users the ability to add new users to their Organization record. For example with GRPT, it is recommended that they provided a unique login for each Faculty member that will be accessing the system for reporting and security purposes.

In this release we have added the ability to add a new user to the ASWBCentral system and grant them rights to an Organizations GRPT records.

9US-325As an authorized user, I should be able to add an existing ASWBCentral account to my OrganizationWe have added the ability to add an existing user (one who already has a ASWBCentral login) to an Organizations account so they may access the schools GRPTs

10US-326As an authorized user, I should be able to remove another users account from my OrganizationAuthorized users will now be able to remove user access from their account.

11US-327As an authorized user, I should be able to remove my account from an Organization accountAny user associated with a school, may remove their access to the school as long as 1) there is at least one other user on the account and 2) if the user is an Admin for the School, there must be one other active Admin on the school account.

12US-416As a school Admin, I should be able to change the roles associated to my facultyWe now have two different levels of permissions for GRPT users. 1) Admin - which allows a user to add/remove users from the school and access the purchased GRPT instances and 2) Staff - who only have access to the purchased GRPT instances.

We allow anyone with Admin roles to change the role of other users associated with their school. The exception is that we will not allow a change to a record if it results in NO admins being associated with the school.
13US-287As a System I should not allow anyone to log in if JavaScript is NOT enabledAs several parts of the site require JavaScript functionality, we must ensure that anyone attempting to login has JS enabled, and if they do not, they should not be allowed to proceed. Users will be displayed a message indicating that they must enable JavaScript in order to continueALL
14US-374As a system, any code exceptions should be handled gracefullyWe have overhauled the error handling within the system to provide a more user friendly experience and additional logging for investigative purposes.ALL


Release Date:

  • To Test: 2/15/2018
  • To Production: 4/1/2018

Item NumberSummaryDescriptionAudience
1US-253As a system I should ensure that we are able to capture all Authorization attemptsWe have altered the way in which the system creates, tracks and updates CC payments when an application is submitted to ensure that we capture payment attempts properly when a user receives an authorization, but does not complete the application process correctly.MSERV
2US-250As a system I should store GRPT Item banks in the databaseIn order to support the new GRPT versions becoming available on April 2nd, we have expanded the system to allow for GRPT related Stems, Options and Rationales to be stored in the databaseGRPT
3US-248As a system, I should log specific data about a session and display the data via reports.In order to provide the level of reporting identified by the GRPT stakeholders, the system will now track the order of pages viewed during a GRPT session, and the duration on each page.GRPT
4US-246As a system, I should display the items for a selected GPT instanceThe system will allow an authorized user to see all of the items (Stems, Options and Rationales) for the the selected instance of a purchased category.GRPT
5US-244As a system, I should display a "Dashboard" for the GPTThe system will now allow a user to see a "Dashboard' when they log in of all GRPT instances they have access to.GRPT
6US-243As a system, I should allow a school to loginThe system will now allow authorized users to login on behalf of their school to access GRPT categories purchasedGRPT
7US-224As a user, I should be able to see all email communications I have receivedAdded the ability for web users to see all emails that they have received from ASWB in a single centralized locationMSERV
8US-218When deleting an application, all associated data should be deleted from the databaseUpdated the existing delete functionality to ensure all data associated to a workflow is deleted when we delete an application. MSERV
9US-214As a system I should store specific information about a Jurisdiction for each ASWB teamExpanded the demographics for Boards and associated them to ASWB teams to allow for tailored message content. The Demographics include the following:
Jurisdiction Location Name - Full state/province name where the Jurisdiction operates
Jurisdiction Location Abbreviation - Two letter state/province abbreviation where the Jurisdiction operates
Board Name - The full name the Board should be referred to as (i.e. Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies)
Board Name  Abbreviation - The abbreviated name the Board should be referred to as (ie. DORA)
Board Contact Number - The phone number to provide to end users to contact the board
Board Email address - The email address to provide to end users to contact the board
Board Address - The address to provide to end users to contact the board
Board URL - URL to provide to end users to contact the board
ASWB Contact Number - The phone number to provide to end users to contact the ASWB team
ASWB Email address - The email address to provide to end users to contact the ASWB team
ASWB Address - The address to provide to provide to end users to contact the ASWB team
ASWB From address - The from address to use when sending emails from the ASWB Team for the jurisdiction
10US-213As a system I should be able to restrict users access to specific jurisdictionsAdded the ability for the web site to limit access to information based on the Jurisdiction they are associated with (Board Members only)MSERV
11US-212As a system I should refer to the database for configuration values and attributesCentralized the storage (and added necessary encryption) to certain application configuration values.MSERV
12US-211As a system I should be able to track contact information for a PersonCorrected an issue with how the Web site was associating login information to contact informationMSERV
13T-229Standardize Configuration SettingsTo increase the flexibility of the system all system configuration settings will be stored in the database rather than within the codebase.MSERV
14T-206Improve fileupload handling1) Fixed the issue where users would not receive an error message if they attempted to upload an unsupported file time
2) Added ability to limit file upload size


Release Date:

  • To Test: 11/28/2017
  • To Production: 12/18/2017

Item NumberSummaryDescription
1US-156Restrict access to different areas of the websiteTo support the Board Portal, we have introduced a higher level of roles and permissions which allow the ASWB IT team to assign/revoke access to one or more of the following areas for each user in the system: Access to Social Worker Dashboard, Access to all Board Portal functionality, Access to SiteAdmin UI
2US-158Allow a board member to review and response to "Board Hold" applications

Introduced the functionality for Board Members to access a website to see all applications currently awaiting their review so that ASWB can continue with their approval.

3US-193Introduce a "threaded" conversation datatypeTo support the Board portal process, we have developed a new data type called "Threaded discussion" which will keep a log of the previous updates to the field and encapsulate them with a timestamp and the user who entered them. The historical "thread" is read-only.
4US-159Allow a board member to review all applications that have been submitted to ASWB for their Jurisdiction.Introduced the functionality for Board Members to search via a dashboard OR via search criteria for any application submitted to ASWB.
5US-190Provide common landing area for users with multiple roles to access web areasIn anticipation of users holding multiple roles with the relationship to ASWB (Board Member, Social Worker, Reference), we have expanded the current social worker "dashboard" area to also accommodate other users.
6US-200Board members can get summaries of Application progressUnder the Board Portal - Reporting area, users can now see the progress of applications within pre-defined time spans. 

Test Case Documentation