Group Review Practice Test

Group Review Practice Test

This article will explain the changes to the Group Review Practice Test (GRPT), formerly known as the Group Practice Exam (GPE), that are being introduced on April 2nd, 2018. For clarity, this article only references the features and functionality that is offered as of January 22nd, 2020. Future enhancements and functionality may be introduced in the future, and we will update this article as needed..

Changes to the product

Starting April 2nd, the new version of the GRPT will become available for sale, and for use by existing customers. Information about the new content/software is on the ASWB.org page https://www.aswb.org/educators/group-review-practice-tests/ (ASWB.Org → Educators (along the top of the page) → Group Review Practice Tests (along the left side of the page)

  1. The new version offers the following features:

    1. Each practice test contains 50 sample questions, answers, and rationales

    2. Compatible with synchronous and asynchronous online learning

    3. Responsive software works across devices, suitable for screen sharing

    4. Six months of access for all social work faculty at your institution

    5. One username & password to access all purchased GRPT content

  2. Purchasers can access the site by going to https://educators.aswb.org

  3. Users will now be required to provide a username and a password

    1. Currently the standard process will be to create the username using the email address of the purchaser

  4. The PEAdmin system has NOT been updated. It should not be used to verify login history, reset passwords or change order information.

Ordering process

  1. ASWB Staff verifies that the school purchasing the GRPT is a current CSWE/CASWE certified school (no change to existing process)

  2. ASWB Staff verifies the individual is allowed to purchase (no change to the existing process)

  3. ASWB Staff completes the order in Products

    1. As of April 2nd, the only change will be that you will no longer be seeing or providing the purchaser the password(s) for the GRPTs they purchased.

  4. The Purchaser will receive a sales receipt at the email address captured during the sales process immediately after the order is taken

  5. The ASWBCentral system will pick up and process the order within 20 minutes

    1. To process an order the ASWBCentral will do the following:

      1. Check to make sure that the school on the order exists

        1. If it doesn’t an alert is sent to IT to address this

      2. The GRPT order to the school associated with the order to the ASWBCentral system

      3. The system will then check to see if there is an account associated to the EMAIL address of the contact on the order (we do not look at any other pieces of data to identify existing accounts)

        1. If no account exists, we create one using the Name and email address associated to the order

        2. If an account exists, we will use that account

      4. The system then determines if the account identified in step 5.a.iii is already associated to the school

        1. if the account is not associated, the system will associate the account to the school.

  6. Once the Order has been processed completely, the Purchaser will receive a 2nd email after the ASWBCentral system processes the order with the login information. 

    1. See the "GRPT Templates" document under the Supporting information section for examples of the emails being sent.

Accessing Content

  1. Once the purchaser has received their email, if they did not have a previous purchase with us, when they log in they will be asked to change their password.

  2. Once logged in, the user will be taken to the GRPT dashboard which has four (4) tabs

    1. Available - All activated GRPT items for their school.

    2. Not Yet Available - All GRPT purchases that are pending activation (if the school purchased multiple copies of a exam category (e.g. 2 Masters), they are only able to activate and use one at a time.

    3. Expired - All GRPT purchases that have previously expired (any items that are now expired)

    4. Resources - Links to documentation on using the site, the ASWB Candidate Handbook, information about the ASWB Path to Licensure program.

Supporting Faculty & Troubleshooting (post-sales)

  1. With the new system, ASWB staff will no longer have access to the password for an account or need to change passwords as Faculty have the ability to reset their password themselves.

    1. Faculty should always check with the purchaser first to confirm they have the correct email before resetting it.

    2. Resetting the password is done by the user going to the https://educators.aswb.org page and clicking on the "I forgot my password" link, then following the directions

      1. Some older accounts will have a username which is the first part of their email address, for example if their Email address was 'radach@aswb.org' their username may be 'radach;

      2. If the system can returns an error that it can not find an account with that username when doing a password reset, have the user click on the "I forgot my username" and enter their email address. Alternatively, you may locate the user in the Site Admin tool and provide them their user id.

    3. All password reset emails are sent to the email address associated with the purchaser.

  2. If a user is having issues logging in:

    1. Ensure they are going to https://educators.aswb.org

      1. Notice that they need to go to https://

    2. Ensure that they have JavaScript enabled

      1. Have them go to https://www.enable-javascript.com/. If it is not enabled, they can follow the directions on that site to enable it or contact their IT department.

      2. We do not expect ASWB staff to walk users through this process

    3. Ensure that they are using the correct username

      1. Look up the order in Products and provide them the email address listed there,

    4. Have them contact the purchaser to reset the password

  3. If they are indicating that a specific category they purchased is not showing up, or is not available

    1. Look up the order in Products and confirm

      1. that the missing category was purchased

      2. that the Username they are logging in with matches the email address on the order

      3. if the username is different, attempt to locate an order with the username they are using, if there is one verify that the school on both orders are the same (based on School Code not name)

      4. verify that it has been at least 30 minutes since the order has been placed

      5. If the items above have all be verified, please capture the following information and forward it to a manager. The IT team will look into it

        1. Description of the issue (Category not showing at all, category not accessible)

        2. The name of the school

        3. the username they are logging in with

        4. Contact information of individual we should work with

          1. Their name

          2. Their email address

          3. at least one phone number

          4. What is the best way to contact them

          5. When is the best time to contact them

        5. The order number(s) of the purchase(s) for the category they are having issue with

  4. If they are having issues accessing content (they can log in, but can not see all or part of a Practice Test content):

    1. Ensure that they have JavaScript enabled

      1. Have them go to https://www.enable-javascript.com/. If it is not enabled, they can follow the directions on that site to enable it or contact their IT department.

      2. We do not expect ASWB staff to walk users through this process

    2. Have them try a different browser

      1. If it works in one browser and not another, it is possibly a configuration issue and they should seek assistance from their IT department

      2. If it doesn't work in any browser there could be other issues, capture the following information and forward it to a manager. Someone from the IT team will reach out to them within 1 business day to troubleshoot

        1. The name of the school

        2. the username they are logging in with

        3. Contact information of individual we should work with

          1. Their name

          2. Their email address

          3. at least one phone number

          4. What is the best way to contact them

          5. When is the best time to contact them to troubleshoot

        4. a description of the issue they are experiencing

        5. indicate that you had them verify JavaScript was enabled

        6. indicate that you had them test in another browser and if the issue was the same in both browsers

        7. what browsers and versions they were using






Do we still need to verify the school and purchaser?

Yes, there is no change to determining the eligibility of the school or purchaser

What happens to people who previously purchased GRPTs?

  • We will be transferring all GRPTs that are are still active to the new system.

  • We will be emailing the original purchasers their new login credentials shortly before we launch

  • The ASWB.org site will point individuals to the login page (https://educators.aswb.org)

  • If someone bookmarked the "old" GRPT login page, they will be shown a message indicating the login page has changed, and automatically redirected to the new website

What happens if they say they didn't get the email with their login credentials?

Access the order in Products and provide them the email address that was used. They should then go to the new login page (https://educators.aswb.org) and use the "I forgot my password" link to get a new password

Who has access to the GRPTs once they are purchased?

With the ASWBCentral system, anyone who has an account associated to the school has the ability to access any GRPT purchased for that school.

How do I give additional school faculty and staff access to the GRPTs?

  • Verify using your existing process that the individual making the request is someone who is authorized to make the request

  • Submit the following information to your manager so that IT can create the new login

    • First and Last Name of the new individual

    • Email address of the individual (it can not be a "shared" address like teachers@school.edu)

    • Name and contact information of the individual making the request

  • Inform them that the standard processing time to complete the request is 1-2 business days.

  • Once the new account has been created:

    • The contact requesting the new contact be created will receive an email from IT (through the ASWBServices@aswb.org) address informing them that the new account hs been created

    • The new contact will receive the "I forgot my password" email with a temporary password

What should we do if someone is no longer with the school, or that individual is very adamant that they do not want all of the faculty to use their email address?

  • Verify using your existing process that the individual making the request is someone who is authorized to make the change

  • Get a First and Last Name and email address of the "GRPT Contact" that should be removed for the school

  • Submit the following information to your manager so that IT can address the issue

    • Name and contact information of the individual making the request

    • Full Name and email address of the new contact that should be created

  • Inform the individual that a staff member (do not mention IT) will contact them to follow up with them within 1 business day.

I would like to see what the new system looks like, how do I log in?

We have created a sample user for staff to use. This login information should NOT be given to non-ASWB staff

  1. Login at https://test.educators.aswb.org (if you see a security warning message, it is ok to proceed)

  2. Use the following informaiton to login:

    1. Username: jadams@aswb.org

    2. Password: CSCR0ck$

** We are currently working on providing every staff member with an individual login to access the ASWBCentral user site ***

The wrong category level was purchased what do I do?

  • Do not make changes to the order in PEAdmin as these will not impact the access to the order.

  • Notify a manager of the error and provide the following information

    • School Name and Code

    • Date of Purchase

    • Order number (if available)

    • If the order was multiple GRPT categories, what is the wrong category on the order?

    • What is the correct category?

    • The name and contact information of who should be contacted at the school when the order is corrected

  • Notify IT (Management only)

    • Submit a support ticket with the information provided by the staff

  • IT will

    • make and verify the change requested

    • Notify CSC management the change has been made

  • CSC management will arrange to notify the School contact that the correction has been made.

What resources are available when the GRPT is purchased? Can a school access them without activating their GRPT purchase?

With the GRPT purchase, we provide 3 resources for the School. Accessing these items does not activate any GRPT purchases the school has made. The links to the resources can be found on the "Helpful Resources" tab on the dashboard when they log in.

The three resources we provide are:

What are the terms and conditions shown when a user accesses a GRPT?

All users must agree to the following terms and conditions EACH time they start a new session.

The Group Review Practice Test was developed by ASWB for use only by schools accredited by or in candidacy with the Council on Social Work Education and the Canadian Association for Social Work Education.
It is intended solely for noncommercial use by social work faculty, professional development programs, and continuing education programs at the institution indicated above. It is NOT intended to be used by individuals, and the username and password should not be distributed to students for their own use.
Any use of this application, content, or information that violates these terms of use can result in the immediate suspension of the institutions’ access.

Supporting Information

GRPT Templates

  1. Documentation on using the new site (found on the Resources tab when the user logs in)

  2. ASWB Candidate Handbook (found on the Resources tab when the user logs in)

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