Additional Exam Registration Changes - 2021-08-18 Meeting notes

Additional Exam Registration Changes - 2021-08-18 Meeting notes


Aug 17, 2021



Did not attend


Did not attend

Tanya Carpenter (Requester)


@Dan Sheehan


@Robert Adach


@Chris Zuhars


@Bob Rutherford


@Felicia Dennison



In this meeting we will

  • Review additional changes to the Exam Registration page requested by Exam Services

Discussion topics










Content Changes to initial Page

Tanya Carpenter

  • The changes listed on page 2 of the attached document do not impact functionality

Change ADA question text & ESL question text

Tanya Carpenter

  • The changes to question text listed on page 4 of the attached document do not impact functionality.

  • It was asked about the order of the responses being No/Yes instead of the traditional Yes/No. IT explained that it is often a better experience to have the most selected item first in a list as long as it appears that way in every occurrence on the same page.

    • CSC was OK with leaving the display as No / Yes


Change Gender question text

Tanya Carpenter

  • The change of the gender question to “Gender:” does not impact functionality on the web

  • IT raise a concern about the length of the “A gender not listed here” option and how it will appear on the desktop. IT to investigate the impact


Change Nationality question text

Tanya Carpenter

  • The change of the nationality question to “Are you a U.S. citizen?” does not impact functionality


Change Nationality question options

Tanya Carpenter

  • Changing the Nationality options has slight impact on programming as we need to display one set of values (Yes/No), but save them as another (US/Other)


Change Ethnicity question options

Tanya Carpenter

  • CSC is ok with Candidates seeing the “new” version of the question options when registering

  • Website will not continue to prepopulate question with current version of answer if Candidate had previously registered

  • Desktop applications can not support “hiding” options no longer used (“Puerto Rican”), within substantial effort (similar to Language changes in 2015). Staff will be instructed to not choose this value when processing registrations if possible


Add a “custom” ethnicity field

Tanya Carpenter

  • The logic for this field would be identical to that of the Custom Gender field, it must be populated if the Candidate/Staff chooses the “A race/ethnicity not listed here” option on the Ethnicity question

Action items

@Robert Adach will investigate the visual impact to the longer “A gender not listed here” option on the desktop application usage
The development team will meet to assess the impact to the timeline each of the above changes has and report it to CSC
@Robert Adach and @Dan Sheehan will deliver the impact of each item to CSC by no later than August 23rd.
@Felicia Dennison will determine if the impact to the timeline is warranted to implement the changes


  1. Due to the changes to the Ethnicity options, it was decided that this question will not be prepopulated when Candidates with a previous registration are registering again.

Supporting Files