COMPLETED - EPIC - Utah CSWI pre-approval application

COMPLETED - EPIC - Utah CSWI pre-approval application

Target release



Project status


Document owner

@Robert Adach

Business POC

@Julie Graham


@Robert Adach


@Robert Adach


@Robert Adach


  • Add the UTAH CSWI application to ASWBCentral

Background and strategic fit

The Utah Department of Professional licensing (DOPL) has announced and approved the issuance of the CSWI license. This is a temporary 6-month license which can not be renewed. ASWB has been authorized to issue pre-approvals for this license.


  • Other than the license name and change in educational requirements, the CSWI and CSW mirror each other in all requirements and business processes.


User Story

Work Item Link


User Story

Work Item Link



As an applicant, I must be able to apply for pre-approval for a CSWI license


We will start with a copy of the CSW application as the base due to the similarities between the two license level requirements. All references to

  • CSW will be updated to CSWI

  • Certified Social Worker will be updated to TBD (refer to question 8 )

4/15 - per discussion with Julie and Dev team, we will be using the same workflow for both applications. See comments in supporting document for additional details


As a user, I must be able to select the proper education level




As a system, I must accept a dean’s letter as proof of education




As a system, I must properly indicate the requirements for the CSWI license when a user is selecting the application to begin




Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

Question/Action item

Response From


Question/Action item

Response From



What is the date in which this needs to be launched into production

Dave per https://aswborg.atlassian.net/browse/LMR-7437


May 1st, but we’re getting inquiries already. We were notified of possible changes at last Thursday’s board meeting and just confirmed some of the details with the Board yesterday. The UT Board is still working on the details for the dean’s letter requirement, but that won’t impact the changes we need to the instructions or the online app.


Is the dean's letter submitted by the applicant, or is it similar to a transcript in that it must be provided directly from the school? If the former, do you want the applicant to be able to upload the document during the application process? Is it a hard stop if they do not?

Dave per https://aswborg.atlassian.net/browse/LMR-7437 The UT board responded this afternoon that a separate education verification form will not be required; schools will provide a comprehensive list on letterhead prior to graduation…dr


The dean’s letter (or a substitute form) will be provided directly by the school (similar to the ‘last semester’ letter that UT used until last year).

Per Julie, Larry at DOPL the schools will send the list of students eligible for graduation.


Is the application fee the same as the other applications?

Dave per https://aswborg.atlassian.net/browse/LMR-7437

The preapproval fee is $60 for all app types…dr

The fee is the same at $60.


Can you please provide the description that we need to show in the orange box when they are selecting the license level to start?

Dave per https://aswborg.atlassian.net/browse/LMR-7437

Orange Box description is included in the attached 4.14.2022 CSWI document…dr

We are completing the recommended changes to the app text right now and will have a document to you this morning.


Please confirm that the exam approvals for this level of application is 1 year

Exam approval is one year,,,dr



There was a discussion that they applicant can apply for the CSWI, but then be eligible to apply for the LCSW(??) before they actually take the exam?

If this is true, is the LCSW application to be charged the same $60 application fee? Have the same requirements as a “normal” LCSW application?

This Q/A statement is not true. CSWI applicants must apply for the CSW directly with the board after they pass the masters exam…they will not return to us until the need a clinical exam approval after 2 years of supervision…dr



Please confirm that the CSWI pre-approval only allows the applicant to sit for the Masters level exam

CSWI applicants must sit for the masters exam…dr



Please please the full name for the CSWI abbreviation (if capitalization of the name is dependent on its usage, please provide the different versions and a description of when each is to be used.)

Per the board’s website: Certified Social Worker Intern (CSWI)…dr



Does the dean’s letter eliminate the need to complete their MSW? or can someone with a MSW apply for the CSWI?

The CSWI dean’s letter doesn’t eliminate the need to complete the MSW, it eliminates the need for a transcript. Applicants may still apply for the CSW which requires a transcript as it does now, or applicants may choose the CSWI and submit either a transcript or the dean’s letter…dr



Please provide the updated text for the question “To take the ASWB social work licensing exam, you MUST have completed your MSW from a CSWE accredited program.” now that a deans letter is acceptable.

text is attached in the CSWI doc…dr



The only responses available to the question listed on line 10 are:

  • I earned a master's degree in social work from a CSWE accredited program that included a clinical concentration and practicum as part of the degree requirements.

  • None of the above

The “none of the above” is a hard stop. Please provide the text pertaining the dean’s letter requirement, and also confirm if it is ADDED or REPLACES the MSW option

text is attached…dr


Supporting Documentation

Original changes

Updated change document:

Test users (as of 4/25/2022)

Deployment verification (5/1/2022)

Testing Feedback

Feedback item

Raised by

Requested on


Feedback item

Raised by

Requested on



When the new “CSWI applicants -I have earned a master’s degree in social work” on Q101 is selected, the graduation date must accept any date

Julie via email


4/27/2022 1558

4/28/2022 0820 - Validation rule on the field was removed manually for validation, deployment script updated and not tested.

4/28/2022 1900 - Deployment script has been tested


Please change the error text ““In order to apply for a CSW application, you are required to have completed a CSWE accredited master's of social work degree program.” to include CSWI

Julie via email


4/28/2022 1205

4/28/2022 1253 - Request was sent back requesting exact text to display.

4/28/2022 1400 - Updated information provided

4/28/2022 1722 - Change was made manually and deployment script updated

4/28/2022 1900 - Deployment script has been tested

IT Section

Deployment plan

  1. Complete backup of production system

  2. Run deployment scripts to alter ASWBCentral configuration

  3. Log into ASWBCentral as a standard user

  4. Verify all noted changes have been made, using the UT CSW and CSWI changes document attached to this document

    1. Obtain screenshots of deployed changes for further validation

  5. Verify all noted changes in the Testing Feedback section of this document has been made

    1. Obtain screenshots of deployed changes for further validation


Areas Affected


  • License Types

  • Workflows

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