Add staff for schools

Add staff for schools



Log into ASWBCentral and access the Site Administration page



Click on the Create User link at the top of the page



Complete the fields with the required information.

  1. Faculty first name

  2. Faculty last name

  3. Username - use the faculty member email address

  4. Email

  5. Use any password that meets ASWBCentral guidelines.

    1. Do NOT provide this to the user, they must use the Forgot password link

  6. Roles - Select ONLY the Education-Admin item from the list of Roles

  7. Primary Phone - The school phone number or staff phone number

  8. Address Line 1 & 2, City, State, Mail Code - The school address

After verifying the information entered is correct, press the save button. The screen will refresh allowing you to enter a new staff member


If you receive an error that the username is already in use, skip to the next step.



After adding all staff members, open a Jira ticket to add the staff to the appropriate school. The Jira ticket should include the faculty member email address and the School Name/School Code


While it is the IT process to locate the main (or social worker campus) address to use when creating these accounts, it is acceptable for the team to use the standard ASWB toll-free number and mailing address. The phone and address values are shown to the individual when they first login and they have the ability to alter these.

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